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smh all these problematic friendships irl, but its just a fanfic!!! lmaoooo also pls ignore all mistakes and lower case:)

knock knock

"hi jacob! hari, adam and tyler are already here, in the living room." jacob nodded, giving connor a slight smile.

it was just a casual hangout night with his friends at connors place, but jacob never really became close with connor. it was hari who introduced him to his, now, new group of friends. hari was his best friend. she has always been there since they were both about to start highschool (they are now graduated and jacob is 20), then she met adam and introduced her bestfriend to adams friend group, and so on.

jacob stepped into his 'newer' friends apartment, closing the door behind him. it was quite spacey, he thought, maybe an apartment for two.

as he took off his shoes and set them next to the other pairs, he heard hari, "jacobbb," she slurred, probably already a bit tipsy, "come sit with me baby." jacob laughed and sat next to her, and began chatting the night away.

they spent three hours playing cards against humanity, eating pizza and sharing some beers, and almost dying from laughter. jacob was the only one who didnt drink alot because he drove himself, and of course, he had to be a responsible adult. "hey connor, uh wheres your bathroom?" connor perked up at his words and pointed down the hall, "right down there and its the very very last door at the end."

jacob stood up, brushing off his pants, and set down his half-gone beer bottle. he slowly took his time walking down the hall to the bathroom, noticing that there were three doors.

right as he touched the handle to the bathroom, he heard little giggles coming from the room next to him. what the.. was the only thing he thought as he froze. he heard small muffled talking and even more giggles this time.

he turned towards the door and knocked lightly with a quiet response from the other side. jacob walked in and saw a boy maybe about a year or so younger than him, laying in a onesie, coloring with a binky hanging out his mouth. the boy giggled, "hewwwwoo."

woowoo i am a horrible writer woowoo i am a horrible writer agdjlaa
anyways lol, sorry this is so short the chapters will differ between how long and short they will be, but ayyyyy new storyyyy
its also going to consist of a cgl (caregiver/little -an all gender inclusive form of the more popular term dd/lg) relationship and if you dont really know what that is, you could always look it up but its basically (sorry for the reallyreally messy explanation) a relationship where one person is the caregiver or "daddy/mommy" and the other is childlike. it can also be a platonic relationship, but in this case its more romantic.

It is NOT a relationship between an actual parent and child or any minor (if sexual) and it does NOT in any way involve/promote pedophilia.

the little goes into a mindset(also called little space) and can relieve stress, anxiety, depression, etc... in little space, they usually experience language regression and enjoy child-like things, such as stuffed animals, bed-time stories, cartoons, pacifiers, and etc...

the caregiver basically just gives special care towards the little and receives immense satisfaction from caring, as a result of giving their utmost love and care. As a caregiver/dom they enjoy being in control, being authoritative, guiding a relationship and receiving the love and respect from the little. They are also generally extremely loving and gentle, in that they wish to educate, help, and look after their little. They also enjoy the feeling of being loved and needed.

small boy |tracob|Where stories live. Discover now