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when connor and hari arrived back at the apartment, their other friends not with them because they left to go home from the restaurant, they were met with troye asleep snuggling against jacob on the couch. jacob shot them a small smile and troye snuggled closer to jacob in his sleep, sucking more on his pacifier. hari quietly cooed at the sight and connor smiled before walking to the kitchen with leftovers from dinner. it was only 8:30 at night, but troye was out like a light.

hari sat on the chair next to the couch, "youve met troye!" she whispered happily, "hes so cute isnt he?" jacob nodded and looked down at the small boy whos eyes fluttered in his sleep, a little smile formed on his light pink lips. "i didnt know connor had a roomate," jacob looked back up at hari whispering back to her, "and i cant believe you didnt tell me because he's so damn cute." jacob playfully frowned at hari as she giggled.

connor dropped something in the kitchen, resulting with a big crash and the sleeping boy to jump awake with a scared face. "c-jakey? wha-," he broke into tears, shaking from the big scare that woke him. hari frowned at the small boy and jacob stood up holding him and shushed him, trying to comfort him to stop his cries.

jacob walked slowly to the kitchen with troyes leg wrapped around him, soft sniffles and hiccups being heard as he burried his face in jacobs neck. "oh no im sorry troye i didnt mean to wake you up, i accidently dropped a cup." troye nodded with a yawn, mumbling, "i wanna go back nini." jacob nodded and walked the boy to his room, laying him down and saying a quick goodnight.


troye woke up the next day, not feeling little. he was happy he didnt wake up feeling little because he had work, but he was sad at the same time because ew big people stuff, he thought as he sat his stuffie next to him and got up.

his phone made a little ping sound, notifying him that he had gotten a new text.

(lmao insert random number here): hi munchkin, its jacob:) i hope you have a good day today

the boy smiled happily at his phone, replying with a 'thankyouuu i hope you do too!!" and added jacobs number to his phone as 'jakey', feeling himself slowly falling into little space, but caught himself and quickly got ready for the day.

he walked into the kitchen, seeing connor typing something on his computer while drinking coffee. Connor looked up at his best friend, noticing he wasn't in his little space considering the groaning that came from his mouth, "hi con, coffee?" Connor nodded and pointed at the coffee maker, "i made some earlier because i knew you had work today."

troye nodded and grabbed a mug, having to jump up on the counter to get it because of his small short body. he jumped down, holding a pink mug with small flowers on it, and poured himself a cup of coffee, adding a few ice cubes because he didn't like hot coffee.

the boy sat down at the table next to Connor and looked out the window, thinking about whatever came to mind. his thoughts were put aside as Connor spoke up, "you think you're up to go to work today? only a few hours at the coffee shop, yeah?" troye nodded before checking the time on his phone and he jumped up.

"i've gotta go! ill text you when i have my break." he rinsed his mug out and ran to his room, grabbing his lavender purple backpack and converse, quickly slipping them on. "wait Tro! before you leave," troye looked over at his friend, "Jacob hmmm?" troye giggled. "i like him a lot, he's also really pretty and definitely my type." Connor laughed and yelled out a bye as the shorter boy slipped out the door.


troye's shift at work wasn't fun, old men constantly eyeing him up and down and girls trying to flirt with him made the boy feel uncomfortable. kayla, his friend who worked shifts with him, was fun to hang out with during work. they would chat as they sat on the counter, drinking ice cold coffees and random types of drinks. that was the only good thing about work.

kayla and troye got interrupted as a small girl and her dad entered the shop. the girl bouncing happily with a small koala stuffie held in her hand, chanting excitedly about what kind of muffin she wanted. they walked up to the counter and troye smiled down to her, "hello there, what can i get for you today?" she giggled and pointed up her koala at troye, "we want chocolatey chip muffins please and thank you!" troye nodded and asked, "one two or three muffins? does your stuffie want one?" she nodded and looked up at her dad, who was kindly smiling.

troye walked to the back, grabbing a few muffins, suddenly feeling little. oh no, he thought. troye walked out to the counter, "here you go! have a nice day!" the small girl nodded happily, pretending to feed her stuffie. "yay kiki likes it!" it made troye giggle as they walked out.

the boy jumped on the counter, swinging his legs back and forth, not really noticing that he was in little space. kayla walked back to the counter smiling at Tro, "everything go good?" troye nodded. "mhm and there was a wittle girl who had a cute kowawa named kiki!" Kayla's eyes softened, this had happened before. troye occasionally slips into little space at work, she just calls connor and he comes to get him so he wont have trouble at work.

kayla responded to troye, "aw, love are you feeling little?" troye looked down noticing he was still at work, "i sowwy kaykay trotro no means to." kayla smiled at him, "its alright, you wanna call connor, yeah?" troye nodded giggling.

kayla ringed connor, but he ended up not answering, kayla sighed. "hey Tro?" troye looked up from his game he was playing on his phone, "mhm?"
"con didn't answer." the small boy frowned, before remembering he could call jacob. he gasped, "i can call jakey!" kayla nodded, confused because she didn't know who that was, but went along.

troye pressed on jacobs contact, waiting for him to answer. "hi troye!" troye giggled, "hihi jakey, whatcha doinnn?" jacob smiled on the other end, "i was in a meeting but you called, whats up munchkin?" troyes cheeks flushed, he didn't mean to bother jacob. "oh uh i sowwy i nu mean to bother you jakey," jacob softened at the boys small quiet voice, "its alright, you didn't bother, they can wait its okay love" troye smiled again.

"i at work butbut i accidentwy went into wittle space and concon not answer his phone," jacob frowned as he could practically hear the boys pout. "ahh its alright, you want me to come pick you up? ill be more than happy to play with you!" troye squealed chanting 'yay' over and over. jacob chuckled. "ill be there in ten minutes, okay tater tot?" troye replied with a 'mhm' and hung up. kayla giggled at his behavior and went back to help a customer while troye played on his phone in the back of the shop.

hibye im sleepy

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