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I awoke in my small, cramped cage. My name is Alexis Freeman. Ironic, isn't it? I guess I should tell you why I'm in a cage in the first place. You see, I'm a slave, who belongs to a cruel man named John Paulston. Every day I go in a underground, illegal ring to fight other people's slaves. I'm ashamed to say I'm Paulston's prized fighter. I'll tell you how I got here. It was all his fault. My bastard father.

A few days after my twelfth birthday, my bastard of a father, whom had left my mother for another woman, wanted to see me. I, since I hated him with a passion, refused. So he took it to court. Eventually, he got what he wanted and saw me. He took me to a restaurant a few hours out of the town where we lived. He was in a lot of debt at the time, because he had spent most of his money on the other woman, whom he'd left my mother for. He met a few shady looking men, after we'd finished eating. One of them had asked, "Is this the girl?"

"Yes" he had replied. I looked around, confused. Was he talking about me? The man who had spoken first handed my father a briefcase, and he looked inside there where piles and piles of twenty pound banknotes. My eyes widened and I looked at the men. Who exactly where they? And why did he give my father all that money?

"What's going on?" I growled at the man I had once considered my father.

"Now, sweetie," I snarled at the nickname. "You know how daddy is in a lot of trouble with the bank, and he needs money to help with his debt?" He said in a sickly sweet voice.

"What the hell does that have to to with me, you lying bastard?" I hissed.

" Daddy's sold you to these nice men, and there going to look after you from now on." He smiled viciously.

"What do you -" suddenly one of the men placed a damp cloth over my nose and mouth. It smelled like chloroform. Everything went black. When I awoke I found myself in this hellish place. This had been my life for the last four-ish years. It was hard to measure time in this place since there where no windows or clocks. I only knew when it was daytime because men wearing hoodies, which concealed their faces, came in and practically threw food at me. Sometimes it was a piece of stale bread. Other times it was a old cupcake. Once I even got a piece of bacon! That was a good day. Well, good as you could get in this place. One of the hooded men came in and gestured for me to put my hands and feet closer to the edge of the cage. I complied, and he put shackles on my hands and feet so I couldn't escape if I was foolish enough to try. I did as he said because if you disobeyed the hooded men, you wouldn't get any food. He opened the cage door and led me out. It seems like I was going down to the ring today. He dragged me down a couple flights of stairs and led me to a familiar iron door, and the hooded man removed my shackles, and pushed me through. I was greeted by the cheering or hundreds of people, whom had come to watch people rip each other apart. All of this was illegal, of course. I saw my opponent. He was a huge Goliath of a man, and only possessed one eye. I smirked. This was going to be too easy.

I bolted at him, giving the appearance of facing him head on. He tensed, and I dodged to the side, his blind side. He obviously wasn't the brightest crayon in the box because he hadn't anticipated my attack. I slammed my heel into the small of his back, and he stumbled forward. I landed on the ground, and jumped back up, and wrapped my legs around his waist, while my hands went to his throat. I snapped his neck without hesitation, instantly killing him. This had all happened within minuets. This was why I was the best fighter in the ring, the demon, as I was known by many. I heard cheering by the ones, who had betted on me, and groans from those whom had betted against me. I had my shackles placed back on my wrists and ankles, and was led back to my cage, where the shackles where removed, and I had a piece of stale bread thrown at me. I caught it with ease, and quickly devoured it. I curled up in a ball and went back to sleep, wishing that someone would come and rescue me from this hell.


Hello people, I'm Tonia, and this is my first story, so please give me your honest opinions on it! But no crap, though, I don't mind constructive criticism, on how to make my story better, but I don't like crap. Oh, and if you copy my ideas without my permission, I will hunt you down. Thanks for reading my first story! Cookies all round! *hands everyone cookies* Vote, Follow and all that jazz!

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