Chapter 3 - And You Are?

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After my mother and I had left the hospital wing of the pack house, (my mother had told me that was what everyone around here called this ginormous building) we began heading back Vincent's office. We took about five million different turns, and at the end I was positive I would never be able to navigate this giant building. As we entered the imposing room, I saw Vincent, sat at the desk, looking stressed, and Coletta was pacing. The second that the door opened, Vincent looked up, and Coletta ceased pacing. "Alexis!" Coletta cried, taking an unsure step toward me. I smiled to let her know I was alright. She grabbed me in a huge hug and practically crushed my fragile bones. What was with these people and hugs? I sighed in relief once she'd let me go. "Alright!" Vincent said in a business-like tone. "Grace, please could you take Alexis to her bedroom?" This caught my attention. Bedroom? A grin began to spread along my face. I had't had a bedroom in years! I was almost bursting with excitement. "Yes, Alpha." my mother replied, and then she took me by the elbow and began through the corridors. "Mum, what is Alpha?" I asked, repeating what I'd heard in the office.

"Oh, it's what they call the leader of the pack." my mother replied.

"So, do werewolves get married like humans?" I asked curiosity taking over.

"Well, they can if they want to. But most werewolves worship their own goddess, called the Moon Goddess. The Moon Goddess actually gifts each werewolf with a soul-mate, a partner made specifically for a for them. Someone they'l; have an indescribable bond with, and a attraction to like no other." She sighed, a dreamy look on her face. "Most werewolves spend many years looking for their mates. Much longer than a human would. I suppose it makes sense, as their life-span is much greater than that of a human."

"Is that what you and step-dad are, then? Soul-mates?" I asked. She gave me a brilliant smile.

"Yes. Yes, we are." she said, that dreamy look still on her face. I smiled. She looked so happy. But a small, selfish part of me was upset that she wasn't more upset with my apparent death. "Okay, then, this is your bedroom. " I looked up, realizing I had no idea how we got here."Get some sleep, you look like you could use it." She smiled, and left. I didn't even bother looking around my room. I just walked up to the bed, which was in them middle of the room, and led down. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow


I woke up, drenched in sweat. I was having a nightmare. I dreamt about my first day in the arena, where I was kept and forced to fight. I stumbled out of the bed and looked around the elegant room. I spotted a door to my left. I assumed it was a bathroom and headed for it. I wrenched open the white door and felt for a light switch. I found it and flicked it up. It was a spacious room, all tiled white with a large mirror on the right wall with a sink underneath it. I spotted the shower, and headed straight for it, stripping as I went. I turned the tap, and water sprayed out of the shower head. I clambered in, not caring about the temperature. The cold water flowed down my skin, and I grabbed a sponge, covered it in soap, and tried to scrub the memory of my past off my skin.

Once I was done, I got out, and grabbed a fluffy towel that rested on the radiator. I wrapped it around my skinny form. I glance in the mirror and was shocked by what I saw. I could practically see my skeleton. My skin was pale and sickly looking. My hair hung in tattered knots around my face. My face was most disturbing of all. My cheeks were hollow, and my cheekbones protruded from my face. My eyes were sunken and wild-looking. The skin of my face was looked lifeless and baggy, but not wrinkled. I looked haunted and slightly insane. I suppose I was slightly insane. I mean, being forced to kill people day in, day out, for the entertainment of some sick bastards with too much money and way too much time, had to have some king of effect on your mental health. I let out a short laugh, which just made me look more crazy. My thin lips stretched and cracked over my teeth, which surprisingly, weren't all that bad. Some of them where yellowed and I was sure I was missing one or two, but they weren't black. I suppose that was from barely eating anything for four years. I headed out of the bathroom and went toward a chest of draws. I opened one of them and found some underwear. I slipped some on, and opened another draw, which contained trousers. I picked up a pair of jogging bottoms. Another draw opened to reveal t-shirts. I grabbed a plain, white one and slipped it over my head. I went back into the bathroom and found a comb, and began to pull it through my hair, trying to make me seem, more, well, alive. After I finished brushing my hair, I found a bobble and tied my hair back. I left my bedroom, hoping I'd be able to find it again.

I had been wandering these seemingly endless corridors for a while now. But it seemed I wasn't getting anywhere, so I stopped to try and get my bearings. All of a sudden, a weight slammed into me, pushing me up against the wall. I blinked, confused. "Mate!" the boy snarled, looking into my eyes. His eyes where glowing a strange golden colour. I replied with a very intelligent "Eh?" He nuzzled his head into my neck muttering "Mate." and "Mine." At this point I remembered the conversation I had with my mother 'Mate.' I thought 'Like soul-mate?' I decided to ask the most obvious question here. "And you are?"

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