Chapter Three: Werewolves? What the Hell?

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I stepped out of the car, and walked toward the crowd of people, obviously waiting for me. A tall boy, around 6'2, with light brown hair and grey eyes, walked toward me. As he got closer I realised he looked like a mini-me of step-Dad. "You're Chase, I assume?" I said, smiling.

"Alexis!" He roared scooping me up in a bear-hug and squashing me against his chest.

"Can't . . . . . breathe" I whispered. He put me down, grinning like a madman. A man, who stood around 6'11 or 7'0, walked up to us. I swear, what do they put in the water here? Some kind of miracle grow? Anyway, back to the man. He had blond hair with a tint of grey in it, blue eyes, he was muscular and had a pale complexion. The woman who stood by his side was also tall, around 5'11 with black hair, onyx eyes and she was muscular with a Hispanic complexion. "Alexis, it's wonderful to have you here, but there are some things we must discuss immediately. I'm Vincent Trembalay, the head of this family, and this is my wife, Coletta Trembalay, if you would, could we talk in my office?" He smiled at me, but I could tell that he was hiding something from me. They all were. "Yeah, sure, no problem." I looked at him warily, wondering what he could possibly want to talk to me about. "Well then, follow me."


We headed to his office, which was furnished with mahogany wood shelves, a desk and a table in th centre which was surrounded with leather couches. Vincent and Colletta sat on one couch and I sat facing them. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked curiously.

"Alexis, you cannot tell another living soul what I'm about to tell you. Ever. Do you understand me? If this information reached the wrong ears, thousands, including all of us here, would be killed." My eyes widened.

"If its that important, why are you telling me at all? I mean, you don't know if you can trust me yet!" I exclaimed.

"I would rather you know now than find out later and feel that you can't trust us." Vincent explained, a serious look on his face. I sighed

"Okay, then. Hit me with it". Coletta chuckled.

"I think we're going to get along" she laughed, grinning.

"Coletta! Not now, honey, this is serious." Vincent scolded her, and she stopped laughing but continued to smile. "Alexis" he said, turning his attention to me. "I'm sure you've heated the folk tales about werewolves?" He asked.

"Yes, of course I have, but I fail to see what this has to do with anything. Unless, and don't think I'm stupid, you are werewolves?" I said, warily.

"She's sharp, this one." Coletta mused.

"You mean to say I'm right? B-but werewolves don't exist!" I stared at the couple in disbelief. They couldn't be werewolves. Could they? "Alexis, please don't freak out at what I'm about to show you. I don't want to scare you, that was never my intention. I just want you to under stand." Vincent stood up and I stared at him. If he was a werewolf, and that's a big if, was he going to transform? I sunk deeper into my seat, trying to disappear. Vincent rolled his neck, and his legs started to crack and distort into shapes that shouldn't be possible for the human body to make. His lower body started to increase in size, then his arms grew thinner and his hands became paws. His face was elongated and his canines sharpened. He started to sprout fur the same colour as his hair all over his body. I stared in horror. It looked increadably painful. Where Vincent once stood there now was a blond, blue eyed wolf. I blinked. Then I rubbed my eyes. The wolf was still there. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" I screamed, and passed out.


I woke up in a white room. White tiled floors, white walls, white doors, white sheets, white bed etcetera. My mother was sat beside my bed with a worried look on her face. "Did I dream it up?" I asked, suddenly. Mum hadn't noticed I was awake, so she jumped about a mile out of her skin. "Dream what up, honey?" She asked, softly.

"That Coletta, Vincent, and probably everyone else here are werewolves?" I said slowly, trying to comprehend what had just come out of my mouth. "No, no you didn't." My mother said simply. I sighed. "Well, I guess they can't help what they are can they?" I said, starting to get out of the white bed. The whiteness of this room was starting to hurt my eyes. My mother stared at me in shock. "You're not angry we didn't tell you? You're not going to run around in terror? You're not going to rant about the unfairness of it all? That you didn't know what you where getting into when you got here?" She said, still staring at me like I had just grown another head. "No, because, A) they can't help what they are, B) they've been nothing but kind to me ever since I got here, C) If they where going to hurt me, wouldn't they have done it by now? While I was knocked out?" I reasoned.

"When you woke up, I was prepared to deal with crying, screaming and violence, but not calm reasoning!" My mother laughed, smiling, "let's get out of here. They're all waiting to meet you.


Sorry for not updating sooner and the short chapter, but school has been a pain lately. Comment, vote, and all that jazz! Tonia out!

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