Ch. 1 - The Day After Everything

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Gregg's POV

    After we played a song at band practice, Angus and I decided to head home. On our way home, a thought suddenly pops up out of no where: It's going to be so hard to tell Casey's parents what happened. I grab a hold of Angus's paw, and gently squeeze it. I want to take my mind off of my old friend for now. I want to spend time with Angus, and focus on the both of us right now. I don't want to think about those nights. Or what happened to Casey. I look at him and let my cheeks burn as he smiles. "Do you want to grab something to eat on the way home?", he asks. "I'm too tired to cook." Immediately, I begin to wave my arms and grin. "TACO BUUUUUCK!!!" I screamed because hey, tacos are THE BEST. Also, I'm just really hungry. I hear Angus chuckle as we stop and walk back towards Taco Buck.

     In our apartment, Angus and I cuddle and munch on cheesy beef tacos while watching the Garbo & Malloy talk show on the couch. I feel Angus's chest puff up, and slowly go down. I look up at him. He had taken his glasses off. He looks drowsy... and so cute. Eyes closed, he said "I'm going to head to bed. It's been a long week." Ugh... I was hoping we could cuddle for a bit longer... "Okay. You sleep well, then." Angus begins to slide off the couch and walking towards the bedroom. He paused and looked back at me. "Gregg?" Ah! I feel my body snap out of its trance. I'm getting tired, too...
"Yeah?" I look up at him. I watched Angus glow with joy as he looked in my direction. "I love you." I feel myself glow, as well. "I love you too."

   Angus's POV

     As I get into bed, I hear Gregg walking into the bedroom, and I feel him kissing me goodnight. Then he walks out. I love him so much... I just wish we could move to Bright Harbor sooner though. I'm getting so tired of Possum Springs. It'll be better over there. Not cheaper, but better. We aren't that close to having enough money to buy a loft by the water in Bright Harbor. But I really want to move. Maybe we'll both get a raise, Gregg and I. It's starting to get harder to save when you have to buy groceries and coffee (for the mornings). And when you have to pay rent. What if we get stuck here? For a long time? And only because we need to buy food. Will not buying coffee help us save up? I think it'll be a while until we move. I need to stop worrying... I'll never get to bed if I continue. I slow my breath and feel my eyelids grow heavy. A long sigh escapes my mouth as my eyes close. I feel my body slip from the world, and drift away into slumber...

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