Ch. 3 - Doubts

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    Gregg's POV

    As I laid there, on the couch, in the dark, I fought thoughts. Thoughts of doubt. Angus is providing the most... he's working really hard for this. I should be better. I need to work harder, remember? Yet, I can't get Casey's death out of my mind. I shouldn't be focusing on Casey. I need to focus on Angus. I don't want to ruin anything. I can't let these thoughts ruin our relationship. What if he leaves me because I'm being useless? Am I really a good guy? I could feel my body shaking. My heart was beating in my ears. It was all I could hear. All of a sudden, a strong urge to cry hit me. As tears stream down my face, I begin to feel myself falling asleep.

    Angus's POV

    *Huff, huff, huff* I could hear myself breathing hard. I feel another wave sneaking up on me and pushing me back under. I tried to swim back up, but I was dragged down by enormous currents, pulling me deeper into the water. My arms grew numb, and my legs sore. As I struggled in the depths of the sea, I began to see words in the darkness. Those words started to form questions, and thoughts. "What if we never move? Will we stay here even longer? How will we ever get to Brighton Harbor? What if Gregg leaves me because I kept on pushing him to work?" Somehow, despite the distance of the words, they stung. But, I got a raise! We'll get there. I know that. I couldn't have possibly failed Gregg. He loves me. He would never leave me, right? As I asked more questions, I felt my breath leaving my body. It became harder to swim. It became harder to think, to focus. I longed for the warmth of the surface, the light. My light. Gregg.

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