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"Malfoy! Black! What are you doing out of bed!" Ciarra heard someone yell. Her smile turned into frown as she looked behind herself and Draco. McGonagall was storming over to them with her grey hair turning white tied up in a tight braid. She'd forgotten that the head of Gryffindor's office was near the Common Room.

"My, my, my what do we have here," she heard a voice drawl from in front of them. She recognised who it was just from their voice. Snape.

"What's he doing here?" Ciarra asked at the same time as McGonagall.

"Miss Black I believe that is none of your concern but it is my concern that two Slytherin students are out of bed after curfew," he told Ciarra pointedly. "So what are you doing here?"

Ciarra glared at him before putting on a sweet smile.

"Just visiting my friends in Gryffindor," she told the Professor's innocently.

"And who might your friends be," McGonagall asked.

"Harry and Ron," Ciarra responded. Draco smirked and turned to look at the portrait door that was swinging open. Ciarra turned to look in the same direction as Draco and saw Harry's head poke out and give a sheepish apologetic smile. She gave him a small smile back.

"Mr Potter? Our school celebrity?" Snape drawled.

"Potter was Miss Black talking with you Mr Weasley," McGonagall asked.

"Sorry Professor, we were talking and lost track of time," he told the Professor, walking towards them.

"Malfoy wasn't with us though," he glared. Draco glared back but Ciarra just sighed at the two boys.

"Draco came looking for me because he didn't want me to get into trouble. I completely forgot about the curfew until I broke it," she told the Professor's, covering for Draco.

"Well although your intentions were nice, I'm afraid all three of you have detention. Tomorrow night after dinner in my office," McGonagall told the three of them before walking off. Potter looked at her in shock as I groaned. Detention on my first night back.

"Potter go back to your dormitory and I will escort you too back to the Slytherin Common Room personally." Snape told Draco and Ciarra looking down his pointed nose at the two of them. Potter walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room looking at Ciarra nervously before the portrait shut behind him.

"Aw poor Harry got a detention," she cooed, causing Draco to chuckle and walked next to her on their way back to the Common Room.

"Sorry I got you a detention," he apologised.

"You better be," she teased with a scowl, he snorted looking down at Ciarra.

"That's highly unattractive, pet," she said with an eye roll.

"Oh you love it really," he teased.


"Miss Black I expected better from you," Snape reprimanded her causing Ciarra to gasp. She'd completely forgot that he was behind them.

"Oh I remember what my father said he told me that you and Snape had come to our house and you were  talking about the dark lord and a plot," Draco suddenly burst remembering the conversation he and Ciarra had had during the Great Hall.

"Oh... no we didn't say anything besides our warning did we Snape?" Ciarra asked, hoping the Professor would back her up.

"That is correct Miss Black,"

"Severus?" Moody asked from the shadows.

"Yes Alastor,"

"Lucius Malfoy has given me a message you must take Miss Black to Malfoy Manor and Mr Malfoy to Lucius,"

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