Chapter 14

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Maya's Pov: I can only stare and watch in horror as flying arrows go shooting past our heads, with fire blasting down from above, somewhere on the 'ceiling' of this cavern. The ground around us then starts breaking off in chunks and falling away, leaving us stranded on a tiny patch of rock not even three feet in diameter, barely enough room for the both of us to stand, surrounded by burning molten rock. In the middle of lava.

Some guy walks up clapping, face covered in shadows. "Well done, I do say for the next heirs of your species, you've gotten quite far indeed. You are admittedly pretty brave to come in here to rescue a fellow royal." The man says with a very cold voice.

"Who are you?" Crystal hisses out in a low whisper. I can sense her fear but she quickly pushes it away, now is not the time to show a coward's fear.

"Your worse nightmare. We'll meet again, someday. Assuming you are to survive that is, but alas for now, you shall rot in here. Unless you can find a way to escape, which is highly unlikely, your little patch of rock there" he pointed a cloaked arm towards our feet "Shall be your last stand." He says very coldly with a smirk on his shadowed face.

Crystal and I stare at the man, as he starts to walk away, an insane laughed flowing from him in his wake. "Oh, and by the way, Oliver is it? He should be dead by now, glad of it. Now for his brother."

Who is that man? And why did he just say Oliver should be dead by now!?!?!?!

Once he disappears from my sight, turning to Crystal I ask, "Who was that man? And how the hell are we going to get out of this mess?" my eyes wide with panic even though I try to be strong in this situation, we have to escape.

"I don't know." Is all she whispers in a defeated tone.

As Crystal murmurs that, men appear from the shadows and quickly surround us, with just enough narrow metal flooring sliding out from the wall.

Once the floor settles, the men rustle us to the ground, putting handcuffs and chains on us, then roughly dragging us away. Soon as we arrive, taking off our handcuffs, and then push us into different cells across from each other.

As I stare at Crystal from across of me, I can't help but wonder how in the world does this keep happening, it's starting to become a rut of captures.

"Ugh why does this always happen to us!" I scream out, kicking the floor with my boot. Staring at a scolding Crystal, who ain't very happy about being captured once again either.

"So how much you wanna bet it's Ander's men." Crystal growls quietly with her eyes hardening to anger.

"I wouldn't be one bit surprised." I say in a hushed whisper back.

Ander's Pov: Walking into the my dungeons, as soon as I closed the hidden entrance. I receive multiple reports from five different soldiers.

Growling, "One at a time, I can't understand all of you at once!" I bark out in annoyance, quickly becoming close to rage

They all instantly bow their heads to me in submission. Signalling one to speak, then the first starts talking.

"The bounty hunters arrived about an hour ago. Sir." His voice quivers, oh how powerful it feels to have such an effect upon these pathetic weaklings, how they grovel and obey. Such a delicious feeling it gives me indeed.

Once he finishes his statement, second says "Apparently Crystal also infiltrated the premises, and from what last I heard she was following the bounty hunters who have Maya."

The third one say's, "Crystal then helped Maya escape, as of now we have no idea where they are."

'They ESCAPED? How can these imbeciles allow this to happen! Rage fills my senses, such incompetent 'help' I receive.

I kick the third speaker harshly in the stomach making him topple backwards into the cavern wall, a delightfully sickening crack of his spine fills the air making the other's flinch in pure fear.

The fourth gulps whispers, "He's here."

My eyes widen as he whispers those two short and simple words out. But I quickly recover my composure.

The fifth whispers even lower than the fourth, "He captured them with his power... we don't know how but he has made the ground crumble, and lava came out of nowhere. Then once he walked away and the men showed up... metal flooring panels came out from under the walls. The prisoners are now currently within the dungeon cells."

"Is he gone then?" I angrily ask these lowly stupid soldiers, my voice level, frightening them even more.

"He has since left since catching them, sir. But when he left fear was very much evident on one of the prisoners faces." I don't even care to look for which imbecilic number spoke.

"Alright. Get a move on then! You scum bags have work to do!" I bark out.

All four of them scramble away, the unbroken quickly dragging their half-dead comrade behind and all who are capable saying "Yes sir!" While running down the tunnels.

'Now then, I guess it's time to go have a little chat with my prisoners.' I rub my hands together, this should be....entertaining in the least.

Walking down several halls, I finally come to the metal door of the dungeons. Walking through, power flows off of me in waves of bone chilling darkness, all of those pathetic little prisoners cower away back into the corners of their cells like smart little rats, except two.

"I will never bow to you ever again!" Yells Maya.

"Neither will I!" Shouts Crystal

Chuckling, "Well sooner or later, little heirs. You will bow to me. It may not be today, possibly not even tomorrow, but you never know. My methods are extremely effective. Especially when it comes to such...breakable little participants. I'm sure you'll both be more than willing." I give them a toothy grin, oh how I can't wait to hear their screams, the cracking of their bones, the dripping of their blood as they submit and remember who is truly in charge of this world. Of them.


Anger fumes inside of me, "You will break and bow down to me you worthless little..." As I speak, I hear behind me bones cracking, shifting into place. Turning around instead of finding a little worthless little girl but wolf. The rarest of rarest of the royals. The true heir's form, black with red stripes. I can picture her head mounted on my wall, her hide laid upon my bed. Oh what I could do with those skins. My eyes roll back slightly as I chuckle deeply, oh such pleasurable thoughts to mull over, what will I decide? Such a fine hide will be glorious in my chambers.

Before I know it, Maya charges at the cell doors. Once, twice, three times before cracking is heard. Chattering of the cell door falling to the ground, cracking and crumbling rock all around the door, falls clattering down beside it.

Maya charges at me full on, deadly eyes, ready to kill at any given moment. Teeth sinking into my arm, blood oozing out.

My men soon rush in, ready to strike at my word. Throwing Maya off, she stands proud and tall. Growling fiercely. Everyone around takes a step back even I. But looking over at Crystal, she doesn't back up but looks proud.

How'd I do? Questions? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others thoughts. :)- Catmaster 

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