Chapter 17

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Crystal's Pov: "Thunder... Maya..." I barely manage to whisper out, my voice raspy and throat taught. My head is pounding and my thoughts are in swirls, I begin to see spots before my vision goes completely black.

Queen Alesia's Pov: With my heart pounding, I begin shouting orders in every direction. Even through all the panic we finally managed to get Maya, Crystal, and Crystal's familiar into the urgent care unit.

"Sitting and waiting by a loved ones side when they are on death's gate, this truly is the hardest thing a parent could ever experience." I whisper with tears silently sliding down my face, "Especially when I've had so little time with my sole daughter." I sob quietly, "I haven't even been able to meet the beautiful woman she's become and now I might lose her."

"I know... Honey..." I hear Richard mumble, he may even be on the verge of crying. Men are so dense, and fearful of showing emotion. But you can hear worry even in his voice now.

"Maya... what happened to her? M-mom? D-dad?" Jonathan asks in a horrified whimper seeing her unconscious in the bed, the only thing stopping him from racing to her bedside being Rainy Daze standing tall behind him, holding him tightly against his chest gently trying to sooth him.

"She's... She's... She's..." I start but cannot finish with tears running down my face, breaking into a loud sob.

"Maya... she is in a coma. Her mate, Oliver, is dying... even though they haven't mated, a bond between royals is still very powerful and affects them both." Richard grunts sadly.

"Jonathan?" Rainy Daze says curiously, his strong arms unwinding from around his mate.

Looking up from crying, I watch as my son's eyes go blank as he pushes away from Rainy Daze and ambles towards Maya in a trance. His hands suddenly turning bright white, a blinding glow forcing us to look away, Jonathan rests his hands on Maya's chest, the glow seeping inside her and spreading like veins of pure snow.

Maya's Pov: All I can see is darkness, all I can feel is darkness, cool endless emptiness surrounds me it feel like a bottomless void, now beginning nor end to this place, fear and sorrow without hope in sight, nor anything else for that matter.

I try to think back, to remember anything, to feel life.

Light, warmth, I keep feeling this. It pulls me from the abyss, I can feel myself becoming whole again. . . I remember. . .shifting then seeing everything in golden light, with all the prisoners we saved. My mind, I still can't think straight. Everything is cloudy, blurry. Vision after vision playing together to a melody I cannot place.

The light grows stronger, the empty chill dissipates, replaced by warmth. . .

A hand, I feel warm hands. But not my mates. My twin's hand.

The overwhelming warmth fills my entire body, renewed with energy my eyes spring open. In a panic I immediately sit up, looking around to stare at everyone in the room, my thoughts still in a haze as I lock my sights onto my mother.

"Maya... you're okay..." She whispers with tears streaming down her face, with a face of relief.

Looking over I find my brother staring at me, eyes blank but slowly coming back to us.

"I've only heard rumors about this. But from what the rumors has foretold that twins can heal one another, feel each other's feelings and fears, a bond through blood that not even mates can acquire." My father whispers in awe.

"How in the world did I do that??" Jonathan asks with pure curiosity, shaking his head to bring himself out of the trance life daze. Hearing a deep chuckle I glance towards the door where Rainy Daze is leaned against, then towards my parents. Finally asking the first question that popped into my head. The only thing that matters now.

"Is Oliver okay?" I ask shakily, fear making even my voice quake.

"We gave him the antidote. Thank god Crystal was still barely conscious enough to hand it to us." My father says, his emotion gone and turned to the steely King once more.

After hearing those few words relief washes through me, a weight great as the earth itself lifted off my shoulders. But after knowing my mate is okay, I remember about my one true friend.

"What about Crystal?" I ask sighing defeated.

"Crystal is fine. She's shaken but she'll get through it. Her familiar on the other hand had a rough landing, he managed to break a wing. He'll be grounded for a while but he'll heal with time." My father once again answers.

"That's good. And I DIDN'T KNOW SHE HAD A FAMILIAR!" I shout making everyone around wince. "Eh...Oops?" I chuckle out. "Either way I'm kicking her butt for keeping that from me, so not cool."

"Maya," My mother says catching my attention. "When you get better, we have lots to discuss. But for now all you should have to worry about is healing."

Oliver's Pov: Whyyyyy...why does everything hurt. A numb like pain throughout my entire body. With effort I manage to open my eyes, I'm met with nothing just white, crumbling, cracked ceiling. But looking over I find my beautiful mate. Sleeping soundly in a chair next to me.

Entranced with staring at Maya, I hear someone clear their throat.

"Good you're awake, we were starting to think you were going to sleep for a millenia. Sir." A nurse grumbles out silently.

"What happened?" I ask quietly.

"You were fatally poisoned by your brother... Maya then risked everything to get you the antidote, she herself almost died in the process. Luckily she's a twin. Her brother healed her. And since she's woken up, she's been sitting by your side waiting for you to awaken." The nurse answers again while checking the monitors. "It looks like the poison is cleared out and you may even be able to leave tomorrow. But for now rest." She clicks her tongue, "I will be back in the morning to check on you, good night." The nurse finishes and makes her quiet escape, careful not to slam the door to wake Maya.

Queen Alseia's Pov: "Alright, so let me get all of this straight; so you met the man behind all this mess, and yet he lets you both live. But he said, in quote: 'Well done, I do say for the next heirs of your species, you've gotten quite far indeed. You are admittedly brave to come all the way here to rescue a fellow royal.' and then you asked who he was? Correct?"

"Yes we did." Crystal answered. "Then he answers, 'Your worse nightmare. We'll meet again, someday. Assuming you are to survive that is, but alas for now, you shall rot in here. Unless you can find a way to escape, which is indeed highly unlikely, upon your little patch of rock there.' and then he mentioned Oliver's name and saying about how he should be dead by now. He also mentioned, he said, 'Now for his brother.' What did he meant?" Crystal wonders aloud.

"I think I know. It's become like this is all a game to him. And to play a game correctly sometimes you have to enter it yourself and 'encourage' some players to play. And that player is my own daughter. Maya is angry at Anders, she may not show it but deep down she is. And Oliver himself has vowed to take down Anders. And I'm betting that this mystery man, he'll sit there and watch the entire show." I murmur thoughtfully. 

Finally posting sorry for lateness. How'd I do? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster  

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