Once a muddblood alway a mudblood chapter 11

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*after dinner at the malfoys*

Everyone finished their dessert and talked a little bit more, after everyone finished  Narcissa insisted that they stay here since Christmas break is tomorrow, so they did but Hermione didn't really like it that much

"Ok it's already 12:00pm at night so go to bed all,of you and can someone she Hermione her room?"Narcissa said/asked

"I will"Lucius insisted

So they left and so was everyone else going to bed, Lucius had a hand on hermione's back moving lower and lower every minute,when they reached the room Lucius opened it and gave her a black short night gown for her to sleep in , so she went into the bathroom and got changed when she can out she though Lucius left already, and scared her, she gasped and started breathing heavily

"Did I give you a fright there dear"Lucius chuckled and smirked at her

"Yes you now if you could leave I. Am going to now, thank you and good night"Hermione said coldly

"Well aren't you gonna give a hug, after all I am your godfather"Lucius said with his arms open

"Your my godfather?"Hermione muttered

"Yes I am..now Im Giving you a hug weather you like it or not "Lucius said and walked forward and hugged her, Hermione hated it

After he left Hermione tried to fall a sleep but she was scared and afraid, once she fell asleep it was peaceful for a few hour then after started screaming and shaking and muttering words in her sleep she was having a nightmare

Someone woke her up and put a hand on her mouth. She blinked a few times though her tears and saw Bellatrix, she still didn't trust her, Bellatrix could kill her right now and no one could stop her

Bellatrix knocked Hermione unconscious and wrote MUDBLOOD on her arm and stomach with a cursed knife and left the the room after,

Lucius heard Hermione screaming so he got out of bed and ran down all the flight of stairs to reach her room, when he opened the door he saw her on the floor unconscious. Lucius saw the word MUDBLOOD  carved in her skin in to places and was angry at who did it, he placed her on the bed and woke everyone up. A few moments later everyone was in hermione's room and gasped at the sight of her. Snape and Draco had tears in their eyes while Bellatrix was giggling and smirking at her unconscious figure laying on the bed

"Who fucking did this"Lucius snapped

"The poor little girl...once a mudblood always a mudblood" Bellatrix said and laughed

"I'm turning you into the ministry now...how could you do this to her...she is sweet, innocent, caring, beautiful, young woman" Lucius snapped at her again, and grabbed her arm and contacted the ministry and they showed up right away

Everyone was sad scared and shocked at what Lucius said, everyone thought he hated her. After the ministry showed up they took Bellatrix to azkaban and was sentenced 5years in azkaban, the ministry was also shocked that there family turned her in that easily

When Hermione woke up she was scared and crying everyone was in her room staring at her, Lucius was about to go and hug her but Draco ran to her and embraced her in his arms never letting go of her, ten minutes later she stopped crying and The zabinis, Narcissa went back to bed, Draco, Snape, and Lucius was still in her room

"You can tell there in love...I wouldn't want my daughter with anybody else" Snape whispered to Lucius

"Yea...I guess they are"Lucius whispered back

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked quietly

"Nothing dear nothing"Lucius said calmly

Everyone stayed in the room till Hermione fell asleep, and the rest of the night was peaceful

Hermione isn't granger?!?!    (Dramione). (On hold Where stories live. Discover now