🍃Chapter Twelve🍃Viper Strike🍃

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With one, final strike from Juvia and Chelia, the last Wyvern crashed to the ground, decapitating the head of the battered water fountain near the center of the once beautiful park. Water sprayed everywhere, which I'm pretty sure only Juvia was mildly happy about.

There was a deathly silence. It was the loudest silence of my life.  

"We... Did it!" Chelia breathed. I sat down roughly, taking deep breathes. Using that particular secret art had drained a lot of my (already diminished, from the fight with Chelia earlier) magic.

"Geez..." Sting said.

"Tch. Guess the Wyverns weren't as effective as we hoped. No matter."

I groaned inwardly, and twisted around to see ten or so wizards strolling into the park. Happy stiffened on top of my head.

"Who the hell are you?" Gray demanded, taking a step in front of Juvia and slightly raising his arm in front of her, as if to protect the bluenette. (A\N: I don't care if there's a war going on, I'm including shipping moments and no one can stop me *maniacal laughter*).

"Are you lot the imbeciles who caused this whole mess?" I said quietly.

"Rude," the one in the lead noted.

"Answer her," Sting growled, "Who. Are. You."

An insane sort of grin spread across the stranger's face, "We are the Dark Guild, Viper Strike, and this is where your story ends!"

I had a moments hesitation. Viper Strike? Where have I heard that name before..?

"You're just asking to get smashed..." Gray growled, taking a menacing step forward.

"Stand back, and be ready," I sighed, standing up once more. The rest of my team backed away. The Viper Strike wizards where spreading out and advancing as I turned to face them.

"Storm Phoenix's Cloud Cover!" I said. Dense clouds spiraled down and formed an opaque barrier.

"Now!" I commanded. I could hear the confused murmur from enemy mages as we all charged.

"What's with this cloud?" The lead enemy mage snorted.

"Water Slicer!"

"Ice Geyser!"

"Sky God's Boreas!"

"White Dragon's Holy Ray!"

"Storm Phoenix's Whirling Strike!"


I don't even know what the heck Happy's 'fish throw' was, but I assumed that the blue cat had hurled a fish at the Viper Strike mages, which is funny in its own way, yet not at all helpful.

The Viper Strike mages yelled nearly as loud as the Wyverns had done as our combined magic slammed into them. The cloud cover blew away, showing the enemy wizards all stumbling around and cursing.

"GET 'EM!" The lead guy bellowed. Several of the mages yelled; "Beast Soul", resulting in their transformation into different creatures. Others started hurling a sticky substance that looked like poison at us. However, the majority encased different limbs in shadow.

Sting, Gray and Juvia all jumped on the offensive, slamming the wizards with attack after attack and attack. Happy and Lector were speed-flying around the disheveled park, collecting rocks, small debris, acorns, sticks, anything, and throwing them as hard as they could at the Viper wizards. Luckily, this was hindering the opposition, but occasionally, a random twig would hit Sting, Gray or Juvia in the face.

"Give it up!" one of the Beast Soul wizards snarled, "There's ten of us versus five of you!"

"Yeah, but you guys are so unobservant, you haven't noticed that two of our number having been waiting for the okay to blow you lot sky high!" Sting grinned, "And when I say 'sky high', I mean literally!"

Sting, Gray and Juvia rolled sideways, diving out of the attack range.

"You ready?" I asked Chelia.

"You bet!" she grinned, "Let's make 'em wish they'd never invaded Crocus!"

"Storm Phoenix's Screech!"

"Sky God's Bellow!"

The two attacks intertwined, colours mixing, and swept the enemy wizards of their feet, sending them crashing into broken concrete, or just simply hurling them into the sky. Sting and Lector were waiting for the ones in the air, quickly sending them slamming back into the ground once more. Gray and Juvia darted among the fallen wizards, knocking out any that were still conscious.

"Viper Strike? Juvia has never even heard of this guild!" Juvia frowned, prodding one of the men with her boot.

"Princess Hisui said they were a 'hidden' guild, right?" Lector asked.

"Meaning that they (1) aren't actually allowed to be a guild, and (2) operate purely from the shadows, so they don't get caught..." Gray explained.

"There's something that's been bothering me ever since these shady guys turned up..." I muttered darkly. Everyone turned to me.

"What is it?" Lector crossed his paws across his furry chest.

"Where's your shirt?" I asked Gray. He swore. Very loudly. And I though the Wyverns' assault on my ears had been bad...


"Whatever helps you sleep at night, stripper!" I joked. Gray rolled his eyes.

"Are you flirting with Gray-sama...?" Juvia whispered, a dangerous aura surrounding her. I backed away, holding up my hands in surrender.

"No, ma'am!"

"ANYWAY...!" Sting interrupted loudly.

"Where do you suppose we go now?" Chelia murmured, surveying the ruined park. We all stared at each other.

"Didn't Master Mavis say she would-" Gray began, still obviously peeved about my stripper comment.


"East exit... Got it, let's go," Lector said.

"I wonder who's in Team Strike and Team Celestial Blade...?" Chelia wondered. I stared to the east of the city, where smoke and fire were rising into the night sky.

"I don't know, but it looks like something serious is going down there..." I pointed at the smoke.

"TEAM HAILSTORM MOVING OUT!" Sting bellowed as he led the charge out of the ruined park.

"AYE!" Happy and I shouted in unison.

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