Chapter 1- The escape

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(A/n) ok so in this chapter it has no Nordics and its more of what your life was before. There will be nordics in the next chapter

P.s. This chapter has violence, abuse, and some blood, also a bit of swearing

Your P.O.V.

You wake up to your older sister, who was in high school, shaking your younger fourth grader self awake. Once you finally wake up, you look at her, your (e/c) eyes meeting hers as you give her a happy smile. Like every morning she smiles back. "Good morning Sarah," you say to her with a sparkle in your eye. She replies with a good morning of her own. She walks out of the room, calling over her shoulder, "time to get ready for school". You sigh as you look out the window mumbling to yourself, "At least school is better than home." You get ready for school and put on a (f/c) shirt and leggings and, to top it all off, you put your (h/c) hair in a (h/l) braid and walked out into the kitchen.

You see your sister is already packing her bag for school as you look around more you see that your dad is nowhere in sight. You turn to your sister, "Did He drink himself to sleep again?" You asked with your resigned, sad, nine-year-old voice. Your sister looked back at you before continuing to pack her bag, "he always does," she replied with an annoyed tone as she rolled her eyes while putting a sandwich in a paper bag with your name on it. You didn't ask about your mom; you knew where she was. She was working, she's always working! She juggled three jobs and when was she wasn't working, she was sleeping or being hit by your father. You shiver as you remember her screams as he beat her.

You left for the school bus, nearly missing it. You were hated- wherever you sat on the bus, there would be a bully. It's not as bad in the front of the bus, but if you went in the back you would end up with more bruises than you started with. There were no seats open in the front, so you had to go in the back reluctantly. As you walked to the back you could see the 5th graders staring you down. Your heart started to beat faster as you approach the back of the bus. You ask if you can sit next to a girl that seemed nice, and she said, "ok, but can you sit by the window so I can talk with my friend?" You agreed with a smile hoping for once you might enjoy the bus. You sat down, but then the girl swapped places with a boy in 4th grade. He bullied you on the bus occasionally, his name was Edward. You sat there as fear coiled in the pit of your stomach, but for once he didn't do anything! He just sat there, but the thing was, all he did was stare at you with a smirk, which scared you. You were unsure about this though, normally he would pull your hair, or punch you in the arm, or push you against the window, but no, he just stared like he was under a spell. As if someone was watching you through his eyes. When the bus ride that felt like hours ended as your bus approached the school, he casually walked away, although that didn't stop the other 4th graders from pushing you down as they ran off the bus.

School was finally over at 3:15. As you walked home, you already knew your sister was already there. When you got home, you went to your room to do your homework. Even after it was done, you stayed in the safety of your room as you prepared for Him to come home, your father. You lay on your bed, listening to music to relax from your stressful day, but then you heard the front door to your house slam open. You felt a wave of fear crash over you as you turned off your iPod's music. Then you could hear your sister screaming, which meant that your dad was home. You could hear metal clinking together and glass breaking mixed with your older sister's screams. Crying, you curled up into a ball. Then it all stopped: the metal, the glass, the yelling... even your sister's screams. Then you heard your dad start to laugh like a maniac. He stops and yells "GET THE F*CK OUT HERE, YOU LITTLE B*TCH!" You timidly opened the door to see your sister lying lifeless on the living room floor. As you walked out to the kitchen where your father was, you saw that he had a knife. It was red with fresh blood! That was when you bolted. You could hear him chase after you as you ran, yelling out profanities even after you were deep into the snowy woods. As you ran, your short life flashed before your eyes as you spotted that there was a sharp turn in front of you. It looked icy, but you had no choice so you went for the turn. You slipped, falling off the cliff, and as your head cracked into the stone below and you drifted into the cold respite of unconsciousness, you could only think one thing: what did I do to deserve this?

What will happen to reader-chan? Will she get caught, die, or get saved by an unknown person? Find out later!
(For future readers I would have updated it already so you can just read along. The next parts won't be as boring, I hope, but I needed to get the backstory out of the way)

The long lost sister (Hetalia Nordics x reader x 2p Nordic)Where stories live. Discover now