Chapter 3 - My new home ... for now

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Your P.O.V.

you came to in an unfamiliar place with a massive headache. Panicking, shot up, but immediately got dizzy and fell back down onto the bed with a soft whump. You touched your aching scalp gingerly and found a hard ridge and what felt like... stiches. What had happened to you? You had come home from school and then... and then... you choked back a sob as you envisioned your sister, lying splayed out on the living room floor, chest painted with red, eyes wide open and unseeing. Tears streaming down your face, you strained to remember further. You were running away from your father when you fell? That would explain the wound on your head, though not the stitches. Why were you in this strange place? Racking your thoughts, you vaguely found a blurry memory of being carried by an unfamiliar man. Shivering, without the strength to run away, thoughts raced through your head. What was going to happen to you? Who was the person who had saved you? Was Mom okay? Or had He m-murdered her like he did to (s/n)? You curled up into a fetal position, wracked with sobs. That was when you heard a kind, gentle voice. "Are you alright?" he asked softly with a Finnish accent. Startled, you crawled backward until your back met the wall. Shaking with fear, you looked up at the man. He seemed kind, but life had taught you that people were inherently cruel. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." his reassuring, unnaturally purple eyes stared back into your (e/c) ones as he slowly stepped closer. "Do you want me to leave?" You were scared, but you wanted answers so you shook your head. He slowly, timidly moved forward, trying not to startle you as he sat on the end of the bed you were on. then in his comforting tone, he spoke again. "Hi, I'm Tino! What's your name?" You opened your mouth to demand answers, but you, lonely, touch- starved, scared, and overwhelmed by his comforting presence, broke down. You clung to him, your frail body shaking like a leaf as you cried. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay," he whispered, stroking your hair comfortingly. After a while, you stopped crying. "Are you okay now?" Asked Tino, concern eminent in his voice. You sniffled. "I'm... fine," you lied, your voice quivering. "You must be hungry. Do you want to come down for breakfast, or do you want me to bring you some?"
Gathering up your courage, you said quietly, "I'll come downstairs. Just- just give me a minute?" He smiled warmly. "Sure!"
Once he was gone, you sighed. Could you really trust him? He seemed nice, but... It felt insane that after all those years of being hurt it would be over just like that.

You made you way down the stairs, almost tripping because your legs felt weak and ached. finally, you made it to the kitchen and sat down on a chair at a table with six chairs. across from you was a tall, scary looking man with glasses. next to him was an empty chair and a man who was smiling. he was as tall as or taller than the man with glasses. Next to where you had sat was a teenager with ashy blond hair and a man with a cross pin hair clip. it didn't take you long to realize they were all staring at you. You cringed. The man, Tino sat in the empty chair.

Tino started by telling me everyone's names. the man with glasses was Berwald, the tall man was Mathias, the ashy blond was Emil, and the one with the cross pin was Lukas. They tried to take it slowly, be soft, but it still felt like an interrogation. "why were you in the woods?" "I don't remember" you lied and then asked a question of your own. "Why do I have stitches?" "you fell on a sharp rock and it split your head open a bit so I stitched it up," Tino replied, "to be honest I can't believe you survived that. It was a big gash and you lost a lot of blood." then Lukas asked "so where do you live? your parents must be worried." at that moment it felt like you couldn't breathe. "um... I-I d-don't ha-have a fa-mily" you stuttered, fearing that they would take you back. And in a way, it felt true. You loved your mom, but the only one in your family who had made you feel safe was... your sister. You were torn out of your melancholy thoughts by the tall guy, Mathias, yelling, "DOES THIS MEAN WE CAN KEEP HER?!" The one with the cross pin, Lukas, walked over, strangled him with his tie, and said "stupid dane." then he stopped and turned to you. "now (y/n) we need you, to be honest." you gulped and tried to keep your composure. "w-well I had a m-mom, but she has 3 jobs and I never got to see her. I also had a sister, who would protect me from our dad, who had an alcohol problem. He always drank till he passed out, and usually, he would beat us, bu- but one night he got home and h-he... " you felt tears run down your face once more, "He killed her." you curl up into a ball on the chair and start to sob. the five men looked at each other, hoping one would know what to do. Then, out of nowhere, Berwald got up and gave you a hug. You hugged him back, still crying, trying not to remember (s/n) lying motionless in a pool of red. When you finally stopped crying, he went back to his seat with the same face he had before. After that, they put you in the other room so they could talk, and put cartoons on the T.V.

The long lost sister (Hetalia Nordics x reader x 2p Nordic)Where stories live. Discover now