chapter 3

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Sehun wake up feeling depressed when his brother insists to give the things that Jongin's guest belongs to. He was once awkward with the said hybrid at first and to admit it, he didn't like the attitude that it display to him once they were introduced yesterday. Who can blame him if he isn't fond of hybrids, especially when he was nearly bitten by it?

Plus the fact that this hybrid brings trouble to him and Jongin last night wasn't even that small. Who knows what other trouble can give it to him or his hyung?

Another question is if his hunch was right that he is his missing brother, which Baekhyun and his mom and dad was busy finding, is what would happen to him, or to them once they have reunited at once? He can felt left out for sure which on his part, he didn't want sharing his stuff or property to anyone, moreover, his family to some lost kitty who couldn't remember his own brother or family.

But the most annoying part of it, Jongin decided to go for work and leave him alone with the said hybrid to take care on without consulting him first. Since it was an emergency, Jongin can't say no and he will be back after lunch so he need to bare for it for a moment before he agrees to it.

"I promised to be here after lunch. There was a surprised visit of compatible investors in the our business. I'll head here as soon as I can." Jongin said.

"Alright. Just make it quick or I'll leave him here alone." Sehun huffs.

"Here are his schedules for today since he agreed to be at home than to bring him to the hybrid center for his therapy and just let him cook or do what he usually do. That'll do for he isn't a hyper one. Just help him with his bath and order some foods for lunch. The money is on the top fridge for delivery. I'll be back  before you know it.

Remember to be kind to him since he is somewhat submissive and usually gets panic attacks for some reasons. He wouldn't even eat even he is right in front of it. He'll wait for your command or your initiative since he was trained to be like it so please be patient for him too." Kai reminded him again.

"Yeah yeah. You sound like his father.Just go on already so you can be home soon. We'll be fine." Sehun groans as he woo the other away since he was late for the appointment.

He sighs and sits on the sofa and watch some TV show instead. Since the hybrid, or his hyung probably, is still sleeping, he decided to take a look on the pendant on the wrist like collar that he have. His minds ponder the possibilities when a soft mewl was heard from his back. He can see the cat Soo, is standing there with tail slightly going up and down as he rub his face ending up a yawn.

'How can this small hybrid be my hyung if I'm much taller and mature than him?' Sehun thinks as he assess the small male with his shirt too big to see his collar bone and a sweat pants with pororo slippers. It makes his age real younger than he was supposed to be.

"J-jongkai....left already?" Soo asked him.

"Yup. He said he needs to deal with his client early so he didn't have the heart to wake you up. Your breakfast is on the kitchen by the way so you can eat your breakfast. Feel free to ask me anything if you have question or problem.. arraso?"

Sehun drop the formalities since he didn't want to acknowledge him as being older which the other male didn't mind and just nods before heading towards to the kitchen to grab his own food of course.

Few minutes late, someone ring the bell and Sehun look at the hybrid who looked tense from previous events before checking it.

"Hi! You must be Sehun. I'm Chen, assistant of Dr. Lay.I'm here for the play therapy for the hybrid named Soo. Would you mind if I come in?" The cheeky bone male cat hybrid said.

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