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Kyungsoo found himself contented on what he have right now.

He was happy with his family who supports him and pampers him with love and care that he deserved for such a long time of separation. His mother and father (Sehun's since he suggest to call him that) gave him his own room with lots of plushies and toys just for him while the Key which Baekhyun gives him was indeed for a car that Sehun whines but was happy for him nevertheless.

The trial for Zhoumi's case in the court was conducted for a month after founding him guilty. He was convicted to his crime of the mastermind on illegal gambling, hybrid trafficking, and illegal drugs made him suffer of imprisonment for 25 years and after he would get out of the jail, he would return as a commoner and serve as a maid for some rich people for his whole life. That was the deal after he made fun and abuse all hybrids that he had. Especially Kyungsoo who was brave to stand in the trial room giving his statements to the court even with teary eyes and threatened to have a breakdown, his family and friends supports him for that.

The court decided to give Kyungsoo back to his own family with his right waived by the government to be a free hybrid with equal rights and treatment. He was also suggest to undergo some education to further let him see or know more of hybrid education which his family supported him.

At first, Kyungsoo didn't want to go to the school 'coz the other hybrids might bully him for he was already old enough to have his education and he was too shy to attend it. But after learning that it was a center type where in it was okay for all ages and there were also hybrids around his age, he agree to come to the learn as a student for six months. His family didn't want him to take a dorm since he was away from them for years so Baekhyun was the one who always make sure that he would give him ride and picks him up from school with Sehun tagging along after school using his car.  Kyungsoo's car was still park on the garage which would be given to him when he got his license to drive of course.

He found himself liking the school or center since no one care if you are a purebreed or half breed hybrid.  Each of them respects all they differences and all same as the teachers, some where also hybrids, some were normal human who likes to teach of course.

He had whole day classes starting at eight in the morning and ends up at five in the afternoon. Most of the time, his last class was only for a club that he didn't let any of his family members or friends know so he really enjoyed his club activities and ended up always jolly  meet his brothers up.

In dinner time, his mother always prepare the food for them to eat while in the morning, he wakes up early to make some food for his family or help his mother when she got early in the kitchen to cook for them. He really have nothing more to ask for indeed.

Since it would took him six months to finish his schooling, he was sure he was contented and all. Immediately seeking out his family for support or problems he encountered in school, he definitely knew how to pay some visit to his friends who helped him back when he was still alone. He usually chat or calls them through phone but he misses one person who didn't want to call him and just texted him to say 'hi' or texted him how was his day doing only to be replied by a short message until a text of  'sorry, I gotta go. Text you later.' ends it. He sighs and can't help but to think if the other man really misses him or just texted him as a sign of their relationship which is very vague for now.

He learns that hybrids have mates unlike humans that would be the one whom they would like to bounded for the rest of their lives. They would be loyal to each other and never be separated easily even after life. Unlike humans, some stay loyal but nowadays, many marriages came off for a divorce or even find someone else who they fitted to be theirs and sometimes, might go switching partners until they settle their hearts out.

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