~The beginning~

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Hi, it's Kirsten. Kirsten Lockwood well not exactly it's her diary here talking to you from a parallel universe. That's right no need to freak out and look around in awe, No need to panic it's just me from beyond the grave. No really, calm the hell down and have a seat it's time to get comfortable because your in for a long ride.

If your hearing this, you should know me or at least you've heard about me from the news. If you don't or haven't, well you might as well sit the hell back and enjoy because I'm about to tell you all about myself and my life that was cut short.

Of course by now you know my name. Today I would have been the big one eight, yes that's right I would have been 18 as of a couple hours ago. And today is prom! which is supposed to be the one of the best days of a teenage girls life. But right now that's not important. No we won't skip over today, I'll get to that here in a bit but for right now let me take you back when all of this started, BEFORE I took my last breath.

"Avery what's the plan? This was your big idea, now spill the beans!" "God will you just fucking shut up already lacie! I told you to wait till I'm dressed for fuck sake!" Avery finished getting out of her gym clothes back into her cheer uniform. As she put her red and black trimmed crop cheer top on, the bell rang for English. She grabbed the pink gucci purse her mother bought and headed to class. "Ok so here's what's going on. You know how Sunday night is prom? Well... I have the perfect plan! All I'll say is it involves Reid, myself and the fanciest hotel suite daddy's money can buy." "Oh Avery you always have the best ideas! Does Reid know yet? I bet he's so excited!" "God lacie! No he doesn't know yet but hell look at me? Who would pass all this up?!" As they walked on Avery couldn't help but seductively rub her hand from head to hip pointing out what all the boys just couldn't resist, or so she thought. "What the hell bitch?! Watch where you're fucking going! Open your eyes next time you fucking slut!" You ran right into me. I had been sitting on the bench slowly lacing my shoe listening and watching.

~God Avery, we used to be best friends. I'd known you since pre-school. But all that changed once we got into high school and you lost the acne and grew breasts. Did you have any clue that I was in the locker room when you were changing? Did you know I heard everything you said to Lacie that day about your big plans with Reid? I bet you had no clue I'm the one who told Reid. And you had no clue he was never going to take you to prom! I bet you had no idea Lacie really didn't care what your plan was or what you had planned to do with Reid on prom night. Lacie fucking hated you, she couldn't stand you! But she couldn't say anything to the captain of the cheer team. She knew if she did it would ruin her. Well lacie you aren't off the hook! I will get to you in a little bit so just hold your breath for now.

I followed Avery and lacie quietly out of the locker room and watched as they headed off in the other direction. As I turned brushing the hair out of my face and holding my books with a death grip I ran into you. As my books fell I couldn't help but feel stupid and ignorant to run into you. I ran into the big bad quarterback. As I knelt down making sure not to make eye contact, Reid you actually shocked me that day. You actually acted like yourself and didn't play the role of the stupid hunky asshole
quarterback! You knelt down and helped me pick up my books and couldn't stop saying sorry for walking into me. You knew It was my fault, I ran into you not you into me.  As we stood up you handed me my government book and again apologized. "I am so sorry Kirsten how dumb of me. I wasn't paying attention when I turned the corner and well, sorry I made your books fall." As you talked to me, in my mind I couldn't help but slow every word down as I watched your lips move. Your eyes were the brightest blue I'd ever seen, your hair black and slicked back as if you were a T-bird from the movie grease. Your Cologne filled the hallway where you stood. I don't think you knew how bad I wanted to just grab you, pull you closer and just hold you like that night at the party. But I couldn't. I was surprised you even stopped to talk to me, you weren't afraid of people seeing you with me. Eventually time sped up and all I could catch myself stutter was " ohh umm no it's ok, it was my fault not yours I'm sorry." You smiled at me like you knew me, like you wanted to stand there and talk to me, that is until Jose, Christian and Spencer came around the corner. You guys always traveled in a pact you never walked alone. " heads up asshole!" Jose tossed you a football " Dude we're going to be late for Mr. Sudnicks automotives class if you don't shut up and get moving!" Before walking away you waved and said "see you around, and sorry again." With a smile on your face I watched you walk away. As I turned I could hear Jose ask "dude? Why the hell were you talking to that fucktard fat ass? Are you sick or something?" I lowered my head waiting for a smart ass reply "bro shut the fuck up! She isn't a fucktard she's a person! god your such an ass!" As I heard you actually say something nice I felt like I mattered. But I had no clue at that point that to you I did matter. I had no clue that you would look at me differently than other girls like you did the night at the party.

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