Perrie PoV
I was sat on the bed watching Alex dress Ellie into a cute Minnie Mouse baby grow. I say she's tiny isn't she
Alex says yeah this baby grow is a bit big and we brought her the smallest size didn't we
I say I know I didn't expect her to come this early the doctors when we went for the check up said she was gonna be a big baby
Alex picks her up and lays her on his chest supporting her head at that moment the nurse came in and said miss Edwards you can go home as soon as you and dad sign birth citificate
She hands lme it and she walks out
Ellie Louise oxlade chamberlain
14 June 2017 8:15 am
I don't care if Alex is not the dad I am putting him no matter what zany says it my baby I gave birth to her and its my choice if I want her to have his name