1. Prologue

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"Daddy! Where's mommy?!" A feminine voice cried out. It belongs to a three year old girl with hazel eyes and black short hair in her pajamas.

"Dad, where are we going?" Another female voiced said. This time it belongs to a six year old girl with grey eyes and brunette hair with cyan streaks at the end.

The once peaceful village they used to live in was burning. Bodies and blood were everywhere people ran for their very lives as they were being attacked by beasts. But these beasts were not Grimm. In fact, they resemble animals, but are more powerful and deadly than the Grimm.

Their father, who had spiked cyan and black hair, said nothing and tired to hold back tears as he couldn't bring up the fact their mother was dead.

It all happened so fast. One minute he and his wife were waking the girls up, the next the roof collapsed with the wife pushing her youngest one away and sacrificed herself as she was crushed by the debris.

"Oof!" The young girl tripped as she fell to the ground. "Daddy! Ziana!"

"Zen!" The man said as he and his other daughter rush up to her and and her up.

"Look out!" Ziana said in horror, pointing her finger up. The three looked up to see a huge monster towering above them. It resembles between a T-rex and a cucumber. It had two small arms, and its chin is covered in spikes. This beasts is dubbed the Deviljho.

The beasts let out an ear-shattering roar as it sees its food below. The father of the two held his to girls near him as they closed their eyes waiting for death to claim them. The beasts opens its jaw and lunges at them, about to eat them.

Only for something to interfere.

Hearing the Deviljho roaring in pain, the three looked up to the the beasts topple over as a blast of white fire struck its left side.

Then something unexpected.

The people, who are still running away and the beasts, who are still destroying and killing, stopped in their tracks. Everyone looks up to the moon and couldn't believe their eyes.

A huge monster is descending down from above, as if an angel is coming to the people's aid. But instead of an actual angel, it is a huge white and grey reptilian creature with two legs armed with sharps claws, golden pair of eyes with  wings with silver markings and spirals going around its body.

It is a legend thought to be only told as stories and myths.

This is monster.......... is Noctis the Moon Demon.

"Wow..." Zen and Ziana said in awe, staring at a figure her parents told is only legends.

"Noctis." The father breathed out.

The Silver Rathalos of the Heavens launched another silver fireball at another group Monsters, obliterating them as the remaining Monsters ran away from the legendary Monster. The survivors of the village cheered as the last of the creatures is out of sight.

Noctis grunted as it done its done. It turns around to fly away, but then caught the eyes of Ziana and Zen. The man noticed this and pulled his daughters closer to him in case it tried anything.

However, Noctis just stared at the two while flapping his wings. Then, is rared its head back and roared as he took of to the sky and is out of sight. It failed to see the smiles on Zen and Ziana's faces as it disappeared from sight.

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