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TODOROKI SHOUTO IS A FRIENDLY CHILD but even he knows that sometimes, being too friendly can be a bad thing

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TODOROKI SHOUTO IS A FRIENDLY CHILD but even he knows that sometimes, being too friendly can be a bad thing. He can spot her from a distance and it irks him just how utterly naive she seems. Her name is (L/N) (Y/N) and if he remembers correctly, her parents are famous journalists.

His father had warned him about such people, especially the (L/N)s. The duo was good at sniffing out every single detail and would carefully plan ahead so that not even a single story slipped through their hands. They were intelligent and that's what made his father perceive them as dangerous. As he looks at the little girl, he can't help but notice how different she seems from her parents. She is living proof that two intelligent people could have such a dumb offspring.

Todoroki Shouto watches with interest as she tries her hand at friendship with the meanest kid on the playground. He was a known bully. Just last week, he had stolen another boy's All Might figurine and smashed it to the ground.

Nobody knew his name because they were too scared to talk to him but everyone knew enough to stay out of his way.  Not (L/N) (Y/N) apparently. She hands him a floral crown and the mean kid tears it into pieces. Then, he grabs a first full of pebbles and throws them in her direction, causing her to run away. While it was mildly entertaining — comparable to a cartoon episode or a slapstick comedy — to watch, Todoroki Shouto is not a complete monster and seeing the girl run away in tears almost makes him feel sorry for her.

As she ran, she tripped on a small rock and landed face first on the ground. He tries to hold back his laughter but a small 'pfft' escapes his lips. He is a child, after all, and this is pretty funny. As soon as the girl hears the sound, she looks around the playground and her eyes land on none other than Todoroki Shouto, who is covering his mouth with his hand. Her eyes light up and she waves as she runs toward him.

I have a bad feeling.

He didn't know what was happening but he already knew that he was not going to like it. (L/N) (Y/N) gets closer and plops down on the ground right next to him. The first thing he notices when she draws closer is the scent; she smells like a fairy. He does not know exactly what it is that she smells like but he likes it nonetheless. She smells like the sky and the jasmine flowers that his mother plants in the backyard. He likes it.

"I saw you laugh," she says with a toothy grin, "You think I'm funny. Let's be friends!"

Todoroki Shouto has to control the incredulous expression on his face. He knew that she was dense but he didn't understand how she could have failed to notice that he was laughing at her expense. Something tells him that being around her would decrease his IQ significantly. He does not want to be her friend.

But he can't say no.

He has been told from a young age that he represents his family and that anything he does can be used against them. He is the child of a pro hero and he has to be careful. After all, walls have ears and doors have eyes.

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