chapter 12

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up top is William


They stop walking. they wait. Alex holds Justin's hand. They wait until F.E.A.R soldiers start to appear. Justin let's go of Alex's hand and runs to them spinning the Rebel logo. He throws at them but they knock it down. Justin runs back to alex and hides behind her. Andy nods to Cc.
Cc walks forward and does the cc smash.

Once the smoke Cleared the rebels ran inside right behind the wild ones. Gerard grabs Alex's hand.

"I'm taking Alex to our mother we will met you guys out here" gerard says.

"Fine with us but take this" Cc says and hands Alex his knife. "you need it more than me"

"Thanks" Alex says

"Your welcome" Cc says and kisses her head and runs after the rebels. Gerard takes Alex down a hall. They run down a set of stairs to underground.

"mom" Gerard says

"Gerard" rose says.

"Mom I brought her to you like I said" gerard says.

"Why its too dangerous for her" rose says

"Mom" Alex says

"Ally" rose says and hugs her. "You need to go he will hurt you if you don't"

"Mom I'll be ok" Alex says.

"No you won't he's more stronger than you go hurry" rose says and touches her cheek.

"I'm not going mom please " Alex says and tears up. "I knew this day was coming I am prepared to fight him"

"I know sweetie but think about how much of a danger you are putting her" rose says.

"What do you mean her" Alex says

"Sweetie your pregnant with a baby girl" rose says

"Mom I know but I'll be fine just tell me where he is" Alex says

"Turn around" rose says

"Ok" Alex says and turns around. William stands there.

"Hello my daughter" William says. Alex opens her hands but nothing comes out. She looks down at her arm. "Don't even bother trying you are powerless"

"How" Alex says.

"Why dont you ask your mother and brother" William says

"Ally we are sorry but we are protecting for your own good" rose says.

"Not you too" Alex says and stares at them. "you aren't protecting me from them you are protecting me from you guys"

"Ally please don't" Gerard says

"Don't what tell your girlfriend too late" Alex says and pulls out her knife. "I'm fighting for freedom"

"No your not" William says and grabs her wrist. Alex struggles. they both get surrounded by black smoke and disappears. They reappear. alex falls to the ground.

"where am I" Alex says. Ryland hits her. Alex ducks and kicks him. he falls down. Alex pulls out her knife. Ryland stands back up and kicks her. Alex grabs his foot and flips him on his back. he falls down in pain. alex eyes turn pitch black. She walks to her dad in anger.

"why did you do this" Alex says

"I want the rebels gone so we can be safe from these outcasts" William says

"We will never be safe there is always threats and we can't stop so please stop" Alex says. There was a long pause.

"We can face those threats but it will never be the rebels" William says. Alex laughs and shakes her head. She runs to him and hits him. He hits her back. she falls down and feels weak. he pins her down. she tries to move. he tries to blow black dust at her but misses. He gets hit and falls down. Alex gets up to see Justin standing there scared. Alex picks him up and holds him. Alex looks at his hands touches them. Alex shakes her head and tears up.

"Sorry for not telling you" Justin says

"Its ok but mommy needs to take grandpa and ryland away" alex says

"Ok I'll help you" Justin says

"Ok but help your mommy right now" alex says and holds out her arm. He nods and touches it. A mark disappears. alex smiles and walks to unconious ryland and William. Alex bends down and touches both of their arms and disappears with them and Justin. They appear in the hallway. Alex throws them in rooms. She slams them close. She walks to Gerard angry. Justin holds her hand.

"Ally I'm sorry" gerard says. Alex shakes her head and blows dust at him. It knocks him out. Alex puts him in a room and closes it. Alex walks away and closes downstairs door. She puts a sign on it and walks to the rebels with justin. Cc runs to alex and hugs her. Alex hugs back and cries.

"Its over its ok" cc says softly.

"It isn't it was a trap they just wanted me away from you guys" alex says. "I had to fight them both without my abilities"

"Let's go" cc says and rubs her back slowly. She nods. They all start walking out with the rebels.

Hello everyone I'm back. its almost close to end of the story. The sequel will be up after one last chapter is up. I already gave you a hint on what will happen and who will be coming soon. I really hope you guys love it. I'll stop talking bye see you soon rebels

shout out and Video of the day


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