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Mavis's Point of View

"Let's go back" Yoongi said

"Wait" I said

"What is it?" He asked

"There might be something here left by the murderer slash game master.. Something that can help us find the missing ones" I said

"Yeah. But this place is trashed. What can we possibly find here?" Taehyung asked

"Yeah. We don't even know what to look for" Yoongi said

I remember the piece of paper...

"Oh! I forgot. I found this earlier at the gazebo" I said

They took it from me and read it.

"What does this mean?" Yoongi asked

"I think... The murderer is telling us that Mr. Rone killed his wife" Taehyung

I nodded.

"Exactly" I said

"So... We're looking for a piece of paper?" Yoongi asked

"Maybe..." I said

Taehyung kept the paper.

The three of us started to search the whole room..

But nothing...

"You know what I realized?" Taehyung said

"What?" Me and Yoongi asked

"This paper was ripped from a book... See the texture of the paper? And there's a page number at the back.. Page 74" Taehyung said

"Okay. Let's search the books with a ripped page 74" Yoongi said

And we did. We searched all the books..

I was down to the last book from this shelf.

"Greed" I said as I read the title

I turned to page 74...

I gasped.

"Guys! I think I found it!" I said

They ran towards me.

"Greed? So what kind of clue is that?" Taehyung asked

"I don't know..." I answered

"Wait... Look at this part..." Yoongi pointed at the second to the last paragraph..."

Yes. I have sinned. I love my wife. But I love money better than anything and anyone else. She has served her purpose. Now.. I have everything.

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