Chapter 14: My Savior.

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Chapter 14: My savior


                “YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS YOU!-“

                “OH SHUT UP AND LET ME JUST KICK YOUR ASS SO WE CAN GET THIS OVER WITH! I’VE WANTED TO KILL YOU FOR A WHILE! Then, I can get back to seducing my wooommaannn,”

                His woman? His woman! That’s my mate you son of a bitch!

                I looked over at Faye quickly, she had almost no clothes on which in any other time this would’ve been a major turn on, but not the bruises and bite marks that littered her body as tears stained her bruised cheeks. She was handcuffed to the bed, her arms and legs at akward angles. Then I looked up to meet her eyes. They still had tears in them, as she tried to hide them.

                My anger boiled. I could feel myself shaking as I looked over at the grinning mutt that looked over at my mate with lustful eyes.

                “You son of a B-“


Luke never got to finish the sentence because in that moment he shifted into a huge wolf. His clothes lay ripped on the floor. He was beautiful… even though he looked terrifying at the moment. His canines were shown as he growled loudly. He lips were pushed back to show even more of his dangerously sharp teeth that glinted in the light. He stalked around the bored looking Jack. He was on edge and you could tell he was fighting to keep his animal side inside of him. Because if that was released…. Two things would happen.. One he would rip Jack to shreds or do something stupid and two, he would try and mate me in his wolf form. Yeah, creepy- I know. But that’s mostly his two animal instincts, attack/protect and mate.

I suddenly heard the distinctive sound of clothes ripping as I looked up just in time to see Jack’s clothes or should I say, one article of clothing seeing as though he wasn’t wearing much. They started circling each other… around and around they went. Teeth bared as growls echoed through out the room, their jaw snapped open loudly as they thought about lunging at each other. Barking also occurred as drool oozed down from their large teeth and was flung everywhere as the snarls became louder. Their eyes never left each others, while they were distracted trying to figure out the best way to attack I tried getting the hand cuffs off of me. I still watched intently to make sure Luke didn’t get hurt.

I saw Jacks change in footing, he was going to attack but Luke didn’t notice. I hope this works…

“LUKE!” I shouted in my head.

I saw Luke’s eyes turn to mine momentarily and back to his opponents.

“He’s going to attack, be prepared!”

And not seconds later, Jack pounced as he flew through that air. But Luke knew the attack was coming he side jumped out of the way just in time as Jack went flying head first into the wall and then actually breaking the wall as it crumpled down and a large snap echoed through the room. He broke one of the damn support beams. That must of hurt… oh well!

“Thank you love, are you okay? Did he… did he get… did he um….”

“No, he didn’t… He almost did though… Now just concentrate on the fight! I love you…. And I’ve missed you so much….”

“Will do… And I love you too, and I’ve missed you more my little mate…”

That put a smile on my face and a little wolfish grin on his, but then we both remembered what caused us to be in this situation in the first place as the wolf emerged from the whole that let you see outside. Another window was added, what do ya know?

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