Chapter One

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It has been a year since Skinner shut down the X-Files. The CIA and FBI had teamed up to catch the shapeshifter (who was killing the Gregors) but their mission had failed, seeing as the shapeshifter evaded capture and over 20 men were lost protecting the remaining Gregors.

Mulder tried to explain to Skinner that he and Scully could find the shapeshifter with more time, but Smoking Man ended the conversation by snuffing out his cigarette on the Gregors' case file.

Mulder got the call the next day.

He had the day to clean out his office.


While Mulder spat sunflower seeds at a picture of Skinner he had tacked to a wall, Scully was doing an autopsy on one unfortunate Gregor in hopes to find a pattern in the shapeshifter's method of killing.

She was in the middle of analyzing the contents of his stomach when Krycek barged in, holding a telephone.

"It's for you, Agent Scully."

"Thanks, Krycek," Scully muttered, pulling off her bloody gloves. She picked up the phone, straightening the antenna.

"Scully, it's me."

"Mulder! Hey," Scully said, "What's this about?"

"Skinner called earlier this morning," Mulder said. There was a pause, followed by a 'ptoo' and a faint click.

"Mulder? What did he want?"

There was a sigh from the other line.

"He's shutting down the X-Files."

Scully almost dropped the phone.

"What?! He has no authority to do that! Besides, we would have done so much more if Skinner-"

Mulder cut her off before she could rant any more.



"Calm down. Skinner does have the authority. He's being influenced by Smoking Man. I tried telling him we could catch the shapeshifter with more time-" Another pause, then a 'ptoo' and a louder click, "But he put out his cigarette on the case file." Scully massaged her temples with a manicured hand.

"Mulder, what's that sound? It sounds like you're spitting something."

"Hmm? Oh, I'm eating sunflower seeds."

"What's the clicking sound?"

Mulder chuckled.

"I'm spitting the shells at a picture of Skinner while packing up the office."

Scully massaged her temples and breathed a curse.

"Where did you even print- Oh God, Mulder, the office! How long did Skinner give you?"

"Just today."

Scully sighed.

"Alright. I'll be there in a minute." She hung up and let out a long sigh before exiting the morgue. "KRYCEK," she yelled as she walked down the long hallway, "I WON'T BE BACK, FINISH THE AUTOPSY!"

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