To The Guy I Noticed

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Dear Guy,

Coincidence? Hopefully, not.

Let me tell you something about that day that made it extra special for me. The case may not be for you, but it had been bothering me ever since.

My mom wanted to go to the grocery store to buy ingredients for her blueberry cheesecake. It was Maundy Thursday, and my whole family and I were doing a general cleaning. I was cleaning my room, but in that moment my mom asked me to go with her, I was untangling different colored yarns. It was a mess, and I was really determined to untangle each one, so then it took me so long to respond to my mom's request.

Around nearly 2 in the afternoon, I finished my third ball of yarn and was about to take on the last tangled pink and green when my mom asked me again. This time I stood up to take a bath and prepare. Less than an hour after, we were already on our way to the supermarket.

When we were there, the first place my mom proceeded to was to get coconut shards, but then there was this queue for it, so after getting my mom's number, we proceeded to the meat area.

I took note though. The number my mom got was 8, the first 8 that I was going to see that day. But at that moment, I didn't really care about it until later that day.

After my mom got her grounded meat, we set off to the fruits and vegetable area. And that was where I first saw you.

It was just a glance as I was complaining to my mom about how we got a huge cart when we could have gotten the smaller one to be able to move around in the area.

Of course, my mom got mad at me for it and left me there with the inconvenience. I tried to back away as I turned around to follow my mom, and there in that narrow way, I didn't realize that I almost bumped into you until you and your dad squeezed beside me to go to the other way.

At that time, the first thought that popped in my head was that your tall. I was always called tall and taller than most guys I know, sometimes same height. I didn't mind that second meeting also, just that I was already starting to get suspicious. It was a big crowded place, and it was my first time to see someone again. I shrugged this off as I busied myself in following my mom, who thankfully had calmed down.

Moments later, I followed my mom to the dairy part. After taking cream cheese, butter, and yogurt, she remembered that she had to get cooking oil. So we headed towards there, and what do you know, I saw you again.

This time I had a good look at you as you were standing there with the basket on your right hand as you waited for your dad to get seafood. I wasn't really sure whether he got fish or shrimps or squid, etc. I assumed that your dad asked you to go grocery shopping, because your mom or dad might be preparing dinner, something special, since you only carried a basket.

Mind you, but you were wearing simple clothes. You wore a white shirt, jogging pants, and honestly, I forgot what shoes you wore or was that a pair of slippers. I'm sure though that it was dark colored. Oh, and that you were wearing one earbuds on your right ear.

Besides that, you were wearing black-rimmed glasses. Fun fact about me, I have this weird fetish with glasses guys. I don't know why. I just knew that it all started with Clark Kent.

Anyways, your back was turned, but I noticed you glancing sideways at times, and when you do, I look away, just so you won't catch me staring.

We were the first ones to move away and head towards the dry goods where my mom and I finished the things on the list.

Part of me hoped that I would see you again, but then part of me knew it was just a supermarket coincidence, but wow. As if someone was listening to my thoughts, I saw you again and again.

My mom told me to get chips, which was placed farther away, so I left the cart with her as she walked towards the imported aisle. When I had the chips, I looked for my mom, and she was nowhere to be found.

On my search, I saw you and your dad in one of those aisles. I wasn't sure if you saw me too, but I only took a glance, because you were facing my direction, and I was afraid you'd notice.

I turned around and finally saw my mom. She was heading towards my direction and told me she forgot about the mangoes, so we went back to the fruits area. On our way there, I made sure to look where I saw you again and checked whether you and your dad were still there, but no, you weren't anymore.

I was slightly disappointed, but as we were nearing the fruits area, you and your dad came out of another aisle and of course, I was surprised, but I didn't stare and kept my head looking in front.

I didn't see you anymore after that, and even during the time my mother and I were already on the counter. You know what though, I saw the second number 8. It was the number of the counter we were in.

Because my mom forgot to claim her coconut shards, it took us a long while before we finished. I was already thinking about how that was probably the last time I'd see you again, because you never showed up anymore after.

When we had our plastic bags on the cart, we walked towards the exit. My mom stopped, however, in one of those stalls where she bought ready-to-eat food.

I parked our cart a little distant from the stall behind and facing the exit. I turned around to check if my mom was nearly done and unexpectedly, you and your dad were walking towards the exit.

I was surprised yet again. My gaze followed you moments later, watching as you and your dad carry your bags and out the door.

This time, I was sure that that was the last time I would see you.

The third 8 I found was in a jersey, when my mom and I were on our way home.

You may not have noticed, or that you didn't really pay that much attention, but I did, and I find it really weird that I even counted the times we crossed paths - 6 times in that two hours.

My mind was still revolving at that weird incident as I finished the last two tangled yarns.

It was my first time to encounter such thing. Yes, I may have seen and noticed different people in particular during grocery shopping, but it was indeed the first time I've seen one multiple times. It was also weird for me to see so much 8 in that short span of time.

I mean, if I responded right away, my mom and I would've reached the store early, and so I wouldn't have seen you. If I had gotten a smaller cart, I would have made my way easily and wouldn't have been in that tight position where you passed. If my mom didn't forget the oil, I wouldn't have seen you the third time. If I didn't get lost, I wouldn't have seen you the fourth. If my mom didn't forget the mangoes, or the coconut shards, or if she didn't stop by the stall, do you think I would've seen you again and again?

And because I'm one of those who believe and notice signs, I can't help but ask myself how number 8 on that day was relevant. Or how meeting that particular person multiple times a sign that he may be part of my life in the future.

I remember what I read in one of the YA novels I owned. I wasn't sure if it was a fact, and I didn't really care that much to check, but it said that if you met someone 3 or more times within 24 hours and in different time intervals, 97% of the time, you'd see each other again.

And maybe I'm just overthinking about all these. Maybe that's why I've seen you so much was because I was subconsciously looking for you. Or that maybe all these were just coincidences.

I don't really care if I was the only one of us who noticed and actually cared, but if it really was just a coincidence, I really hope it isn't.

I hope to see you again, and maybe show you the 5 balls of yarn that I managed to untangle.

The Girl You Hopefully Noticed

P.S. I just wanted to share about the number 8, and I still don't know how it was related to you, but I felt the need to.

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