Autism awareness

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Hey guys I just wanted to interrupt your reading (briefly) to talk to you guys about something very close to my heart. Autism.

In the UK where I'm from, there is a general lack of knowledge about autism and other forms of it such as Asberger's Syndrome. Sadly even those who do know aren't always fully aware of the symptoms and there are many misconceptions about it, such as those with it are "retards". Luckily there are some willing to stand up for those with autism but sadly not many, and as a result many autistic people are left slightly vulnerable.

I know that this may surprise some of you, but I am speaking from personal experience here as I was diagnosed with Asberger's Syndrome in 2007 when I was 11, after around 3 years of speculation over what was "wrong" with me.

Firstly, although I have Asberger's Syndrome I choose to live a normal life. I probably could get a lot of help at school for it if I wanted to, but I refuse to as I want to at least try to attempt work and stuff like that before I get help. I already have a teaching assistant (TA) help me in my lessons in larger and louder classes but that is to help me write at the speed the teacher is teaching (as I also have Dyspraxia which affects my movement and hand-eye coordination among other things) and to help me keep on track and pay attention.

Also my symptoms are strange, but some of them you have to really study my actions closely to spot. Such as I twitch, jump and sometimes run if I'm excited or nervous, (I'm actually twitching right now cus I'm nervous of what you guys are gonna make of this), I display an extreme interest in subjects that interest me (such as Black Veil Brides, pens (crazy I know but meh), writing, drawing, music in general, disability rights etc etc.....). I also find it really hard to make eye contact, which has annoyed and confused countless teachers, students, friends and family members, as people think I'm not paying attention but I really am, I'm just staring at the pretty picture over your shoulder while listening to you.....

Finally I have received a lot of hatred, ignorance, and complete disrespect for being different. It got up to the point where soon after I was diagnosed I would walk into classrooms having "retard" and "Downs Syndrome" hissed at me behind the teacher's back. My high school (or the British equivalent of high school) was better cus I didn't tell anyone I felt I couldn't 100% trust, and 4 years later I'm still the same way. I still get the occasional idiot walk up to me and bellow "What's wrong with you?!" in my face but I just shrug it off. I have some of the most amazing friends both on wattpad and in real life who stand up for me, and I love you guys dearly.

By the way if you see this as another opportunity to hurt me then you're wasting your time. you will simply be reported and I won't have to deal with your ignorance again. But on the other side if anyone has any questions - any at all - then I'm more than willing to answer. Not much offends me nowadays so unless your calling me a "retard" or "retarded" or words to that effect then I'm more than happy to answer. After all, one more person who knows, is one more person who can help others.

Hugs and shortcake cookies!!!!

Amy xxxxxxxx

Autism awarenessWhere stories live. Discover now