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Hey, I haven't posted in a while, and it's for only 1 reason. I was sick again. Extremely. I had a fever that lasted over a week, and was unable to do anything. I also went somewhere for a week after my sickness that has no wifi, but that's another story. It started in the morning, when I had a headache. I thought that's because of me being tired, so I ignored it. Throughout the school day, I was tired the whole time, and my headache was getting worse. 2 hours before school ended, I got really dizzy and sweaty, so I went to the clinic. They told me I had a fever. I had to stay home the whole week. Here's day 1: It seems I got home from school early. That's pretty cool. Watched tv. Day 2: Watched my brothers go to school. Losers. Watched some more tv and YouTube. Day 3: Fevers higher, and is at 103. The day before was only 101. Watched tv, and took some medicine. Day 4: It's pretty lonely at home alone wit nothing to do but tv. Checked my weight, and I lost over 5 pounds. That's pretty cool. Day 5: This is the day I was supposed to have a book presentation. Awesome. Day 5: Still pretty bad. Vomited a bit. Day 6: It's all good now. In a week, I'm going on a cruise! I'll make sure to record my travels to you. Don't worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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