3: Preparations

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Elizaveta and Ivan made it to the table, eating along with the rest of Club's court. Milen, the four, had cooked Oladyi, along with serving Medovukha as the beverage, which everyone found surprisingly good! After the meal though, Elizaveta and Ivan pulled Natalya away and requested to speak with her in her room.

"So, what do you need me for?" Natalya asked as she closed the door. "We need you to use your power." Natalya lifted an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "What? Someone stole something in the local village?" Ivan shook his head. "Other power." Both of Natalya's eyebrows raised in surprise. She scoffed and stuttered.

"I-I was told to n-never use the power unless the kingdom was in danger." She said angrily. She took a quick glance at the door and turned back to them. She whispered, "You know the consequences of the last time I used them."
"I will help you deal with them this time- Just help us this once." He replied.

She looked between Ivan and Elizaveta, finally looking to Elizaveta and sighing. "I need some background information."

It didn't take long for Elizaveta to explain what was happening, or rather, what was going to happen. Natalya exhaled deeply. "Wow..." She replied with a chuckle. "So, you're telling me to set a date for your wedding, at a different king's orders... all because your child might bring an end to a future war?" She asked in disbelief. Both of them nodded.

She was silent for another minute, then finally groaned. "The spirits might be angrier this time, but... I'll try my best." She said with a small smile. Elizaveta smiled widely. "Oh, thank you, thank you so much!" Natalya shrugged, "I just don't want to die."

She walked between the duo and over to her bed. She lifted the top comforter and reached under the bed. Elizaveta looked to Ivan, who shrugged in response. After a minute of searching, Natalya finally found the box she was looking for. It was an old wooden box, barely bigger than Ivan's hand. She smiled in the way a mother would her own child. She looked back up at them, a childish delight evident on all the features of her face.

"Let's get this started." She set the box on the bed. She turned back to them and placed a hand on her hip, snapping her other hand. A round, short, red-brown table pulled itself out of the wall, along with a matching set of chairs.

The chairs scooped up each person, pulling them to the table, which had put itself in the middle of the room. She chuckled as she was set at the table, box in hand. She set the object on the table, pulling out a single card. She twirled it around in her hand as the lights turned off. A single candle flickered to life in the middle of the table, illuminating the blonde.

A smirk was across her face, her eyes blazing with power and bringing fear to Elizaveta. She figured out she was clinging to Ivan when he squeezed her hand, assuring her he was indeed there.

Natalya's chuckles became darker and darker, laced with power and pride, like an egotistical crazy-man. Elizaveta had no clue if the girl was still sane. "It's a pleasure seeing you here, Ace of Hearts. Surprising, really. Never expected someone of such... power, to come for a little game of cards." Natalya's voice had definitely changed. It was a female's voice, but much darker than Natalya's. Elizaveta felt a chill run down her spine.

She looked behind her to see a man wrapping himself around the chair, his body transparent. She almost screamed, but couldn't find any sound. "Oh my God we're going to die... We're going to die... WE'RE GOING TO DI-"

"Oh, don't worry, deary." Elizaveta turned back to Natalya. "They won't harm you. They might harm the guests downstairs, the court," She shrugged. "But definitely not my clients." She chuckled again. "With that settled, what is it you need, my dear son?" Elizaveta turned her head to Ivan. "Son?!"

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