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"Are you sure you're ready Iz?" Carlisle asked as he laid me down on our bed. This is where my body would stay for the next 3 days withering in agonizing pain my mind couldn't even comprehend at the time. "Yes I'm sure Carlisle, I want to spend eternity with you and our kids, I want a real family, and I also want to kick that red headed bitches ass, but that's just an add-on," I said chuckling. The kids, who were also standing around the bed laughed to. "Im serious as long as I have you guys, I will have a happy existence like no other, I love you guys so much," I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and also saw venom tears in their eyes. "Mama Iz we all talked and we want to stay in here with you while you change, we don't think we can leave you, even if there is screaming," Em said. I understand what they meant I knew if they were in this situation again I would want to stay with them to. "Carlisle?" I said looking at him. "Ive takin' a leave of absence for the next 2 weeks," he said smiling. "Well you guys better pop a squat because this is going to be a long three days, but before you do come and give me a hug, all of my children," I said sitting up and opening my arms. They all piled into my arms, I felt my mates lips touch the back of my head. "See you in three days my babies," I said then let go of them. I laid back on the bed and I watched in anticipation as Carlisle lowered his head into the crook of my neck. "I love you my Izzy, I always will for eternity," he whispered in my ear then I felt he teeth pierce my neck. I felt as he pumped his venom into my neck. I felt the scorching venom start travelling through my system burning everything to ash. The pain was unbearable but I knew screaming would only make it worse for both me and my family. I felt my body relax from its tence state suddenly and knew it was Jazz, I sent him a wave of appreciation back. I felt Carlisle grab one of my hands and Rosalie the other they gave each a squeeze, letting me know they were there. And for that I was grateful..................

I was now 2 days into my change, I knew this because Alice would say how long I had until it was complete. I could already feel the changes that had been made, my hearing had improved incredibly to where I could hear car radios....3 miles away. Also the hands that were still holding mine were now the same temperature, I could smell all of the scents that swirled around the room, mint chocolate, roses, leather, cotton candy, lillic, honey dew, apple spice, cinnamon, peaches, and evergreen. I knew I could place the scents to everyone in the room. The mint chocolate and evergreen belonged to Carlisle, the cotton candy belongedto my bubbly daughter Alice, the roses belonged to my daughter Rosalie, the leather and peaches belonged to Jasper, the lillic and apple spice belong to Edward, and the honey dew and cinnamon belong to my bear of a son Emmett.  I had been around my family long enough to know their scents matched their personalities. I used my new heightened sence of smell and hearing to distract me from the now slowly decreasing pain. As I was listening to the sounds of the near forest I heard the sound I really didn't want to hear at this timw. And I could tell that my family heard it to because each of them started growling. "Those stupid mutts!" I heard Rose growl from beside me. I squeezed her hand letting her know it would be ok.  I heard the mutts stop in the back field and one howled. I heard everyone curse under their breath. "Mom we have to go talk with the mutts or else they won't leave, hut we'll be back," I heard Edward say. I managed to nod my head a little in understanding. I would be listening just incase I had to kill some dogs later. They all flashed to the field after making sure I was ok. "Why are you here?" Carilisle asked not even bothering to act civil with them. "Where is Bella?" Edward translated. "That has none of your goddamn business pooche," I heard Alice growl. I mentally laughed, Alice was usually the nice one. I heard one of the wolf run back into the tree line and change back human. "It is our fucking business you blood sucking leeches, you probably already got rid of her after last week, what, she finally realized that you were fucking monsters and wanted out, so you killed her didn't you?" I heard Jacob growl. He was really starting to piss me off. "What did you do suck her dry and dump her in the ocean, or did you burn her to ash?" he said tauntingly. Ok that was it, before anyone knew what happened I was out of the bed and slamming Jacob into a tree. "You wanted me so bad Jacob well guess what, now you got me," I growled. I heard my family gasp. I know what they were thinking how was I up in moving, hell I was thinking the same thing. Is was clear the change wasn't over yet given I could still feel the venom torching my body and could hear the tell-tale sign of my heart still beating. I guess I was just that pissed. I knew I was probably crushing his wind pipe but at this point I didn't really give a damn. "Dammit, girls take your mother back to our bed, while we handle this," Carlisle instructed. I felt them both come up behind me and grabed my arm trying to get me to loosen my grip. I loosened it knowing Carlisle was right, i needed to be laying down. I would deal with that mutt later. The girls took me back up stairs and laid me down. "Its going to be ok mom we're right here," Rose said when I whimpered. I still stayed tuned into what was happening outside. "You need to get off our land now before I kill you myself," Carlisle said deadly calm. "We only came here to see if she was still ali-""I DON'T GIVE A RATS ASS WHY THE FUCK YOU CAME HER, YOU UPSET MY MATE, AND HAD HER POSSIBLY RISK HERE LIFE OVER YOUR FUCKING FOOLISHNESS!" Carlisle growled. Uh-oh they were in for it now. "You were being so fucking stupid that you didn't even realize she was going through the change," he sneered. "What-how sh-she," Jacob studdered. "I don't know, she shouldn't even be able to be mobile, but you pissed her off to the point where she was able to get up from her bed and come down here, you got your answer to what you came here for, now I suggest you get the fuck off our land before I rip your fucking heart out and crush them infront of your eyes," he growled. I could here them retreating back into the woods but before they were completely gone Carlisle got their attention. "Oh and mutts if you ever come on our land without permission again, I won't be as civil as I was today, now leave," he said calmly. When they were finally gone the rest of them flashed back to the room. Carilisle came and grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Izzy are you ok dear?" he asked worried. I nodded my a little and squeezed his hand........

I coould tell I was close to the end and so could everyone else. Alice informed us I had less than a minute left just as my heart started hammering in my chest erratically. I counted the seconds as my heart and the venom had a war in my chest. In the end my heart lost and gave its last beat as I reached the end of my count countdown and the room was silent. I waited a couple of seconds, testing the waters, and then opened my eyes..........

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