Chapter 52. Bloody Situation

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Art by: ThomasSmets
Thanks ^.^

~A couple of days later~

Your POV

"HA!" I exclaim, throwing my card on the table. "I WIN!" Baby and Sam groan loudly and I jump up from my chair. "I'm tha best in tha worlddd~" I sing and do a little dance. I hear a chuckle coming from one of the party tables and I turn my head. "Laughing at me, Fazbear?" I tease, lifting one eyebrow. "Oh no, I wouldn't dare~" He teases back, and stands up. I roll my eyes and suddenly hear a soft sound. I focus on the sound and soon realize someone is crying. I frown. "Hold on." I walk over to the second party room and see Funtime Freddy sitting down on the stage. "Aw, come on, Freddy! Cheer up!" Funtime Freddy's hand puppet, Bon-Bon, says. "I can't, Bon-Bon..I just...can't." Funtime Freddy sniffs. "S-Sorry for interrupting, but....can I maybe help?" I ask quietly. Bon-Bon jumps off Funtime Freddy's hand, making Funtime Freddy's normal hand appear. Bon-Bon runs over to me and crawls on my leg up to my shoulder. "I'm sure Funtime Freddy could use your help." he whispers. I nod and walk over to him, Bon-Bon still sitting on my shoulder. "Funtime Freddy?" I ask, sitting down next to him. He sniffs and looks up at me. "Hey, what's up? I'd love to help you out." I say. He lets out a long sigh and looks up at me. "I really appreciate your concern, (y/n)." he says. I smile and see something move from the corner of my eye. I turn my head right and see Freddy standing in the doorway of the party room, looking at me. I nod, letting him know I'm fine. He nods back and I see him walk away. I look back at Funtime Freddy and he sighs. "There was a kid once, in our old location. It was a sweet girl with green eyes and blonde hair. She was around the seven years old and she was absolutely the sweetest child I've ever seen in my entire life." He looks at me. "You're also sweet of course, but that doesn't count right now." I giggle and he continues to tell the story. "Anyway, she was always there. Every friday. She had so much fun with us, she loved to play with us. Everything was fine, until....he...showed up." Even Bon-Bon shivered for a moment on my shoulder. " he?" I ask unsure. Bon-Bon sighs. "Ennard." I lift one eyebrow. "Ennard? What kind of name is that? Who is that?" "He is-was a friend of us. He ruined everything. Everything. I'd love to see him burn in hell!!" Funtime Freddy exclaims angrily. "Freddy!" Bon-Bon softly slaps him on his arm. "I'm sorry, I just..couldn't hold myself in any longer." He sighs. "It's okay, I've heard worse, trust me." I say. Bon-Bon gently nudges Funtime Freddy. "Go on." he tells him. "Well...Ennard doesn't like children at all, but...I never would've thought that he was able to do such a thing like this....." He sighs for a moment. "When the girl came up to Baby, Baby asked if she would like to have ice cream. She'd love to, so Baby happily made ice cream for her. Just when the girl grabbed her ice cream, something terrible happened. Ennard used his powers on Baby and made her go....insane. And with insane, I mean insane....Baby...she..." Funtime Freddy sniffs. I put my arm around him. "It's okay, we're here." I try to calm him down. He smiles for a moment, before it quickly fades away again. "Something opened up in Baby's stomach and it literally pulled the girl inside of her. She screamed, but no one heard her. We didn't hear her. The girl was stuck there and was....brutally murdered inside Baby's stomach." Funtime Freddy bursts out in tears and I swallow.
That's just sick.
"Shhhh, it's okay, Freddy.." Bon-Bon says. "It's not okay!!" Funtime Freddy's head snaps up in anger. "All this happened because of him! I may feel bad, but think about Baby!"
Baby must've felt so miserable...poor Baby...
"I'm so sorry, guys, that this happened..." I say quietly. Funtime Freddy smiles slightly. "It's okay, (y/n), don't worry about it...thank you for listening to" he says. Bon-Bon nods in agreement. "No problem, just know that if you want help, I'm always there for you." I give Funtime Freddy a hug and after that lift Bon-Bon up to my chest and hug him. He wraps his tiny hands around my neck and I slightly giggle. He giggles as well and after that he jumps back in Funtime Freddy's hand. "Well, I have to go back to Freddy now, see you guys later!" I say and wave at them. They wave back and I run in the party room. I stop running and flinch when my stomach suddenly hurts like a motherfucker. Great.
I groan loudly in both frustration and pain and walk to the bathroom.

~a couple of minutes later~

"Hey darling! There you are!" Freddy says and kisses my head. "Do we have any chocolate?" I ask desperately. " I guess not?" Freddy answers. I get angry and slam my fist down on the table. "What the fuck! I need my fucking chocolate right now!!" Freddy flinches. "Hey, woah! Calm down!" he says surprised, yet confused. I huff. "I'm going to die." "Yeah, sure, I doubt that. Now what is going on?" Freddy asks. "I JUST NEED MY CHOCOLATE!!" I exclaim angrily. "Holy shit! What has gotten into you?" Freddy asks. "Nothi-ng!" I flinch and hold my stomach. "Motherfucker." I whisper and kick my feet against the chair on the other side. "Ooohh." Freddy says, as if he's suddenly understanding. "Naww, come here." he says and lifts me up. He holds me against his chest and ruffles my hair. "It hurts." I huff. "I understand, come on, let's see what we have in the kitchen." "CHOCOLATE!" I exclaim hysterically. "Hey, shhhh. Calm down now, (y/n)! We're going."

Poor Freddy.
He will have a rough week for sure.

You guys see what I did with the title there (:

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