Chapter 25

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Lilac's POV:

I could hear voices, it sounds like there's a lot of struggle, by eyes are too heavy so I can't open them which is annoying because I want to know what the fuss is about. ''Doctor what#s happening?'' a male voice asked, wait a minute I know who's voice that is, ''I think she's waking up, I have no idea how this happened'' the doctor replied, I had enough I forced my eyes to slowly open, I squinted to adjust to the light, ''Oh sorry'' the doctor said as he turned the lights down. As soon as my eyes were fully open that's it, everyone jumped up and circled me, ''Oh my God!'' my mum cried hugging my dad the hugging me, then my dad, then my two brothers and then I saw Blake, ''Lilac'' he whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug, ''I thought I lost you'' he cried, ''I'm here now'' I whisper back. Then I turned to look for Willow but she wasn't here, ''Where's Willow?'' I asked, ''She to the bathroom'' my mum replied, ''I need her here now'' I whisper slowly, ''I'll go get her'' my mum said then left. She then came back with Willow who looks like she will pass out. ''Everyone can you leave, I need to talk to Willow'' I ask which everyone nodded to and left.

''Willow'' I started, ''Why would you do that? It's your power.'' I ask, ''You my sister! I'm not going to let you die!'' she replied. ''This is not my magic, it's yours and now I can already tell your mortal!'' I shook my head, ''I don't care, maybe now I can finally be normal'' she snapped before leaving. Blake entered the room with a worried expression, ''When can I go home?'' I asked him, ''Today'' he whispered, ''Then let's go'' I say as I stand up slowly but nearly fell so Blake quickly caught me, ''Careful, I nearly already lost you once, please don't leave me again'' he whispered as he pulled me into a hug. I missed him so much, only now do I realize how much. I cuddled into him more, ''I would never leave you'' I whisper. 

''Come on let's get going'' he said as he got me by my waist to help me balance. We started to walk out where we then met up with everyone else, ''LEet's go people'' I say sluggishly, ''But can we please get food on the way, I need proper food'' I said acting like I am drunk, Blake chucked, ''Yeah okay'' he said while kissing the top of my head. I smile at him. After that we got in the car and left then headed to McDonalds, ''You really want a McDonalds? Of all the places?'' Luca asked, I smiled sheepishly, ''Yes, but I need fake meat! I need to eat something rubbish but so good'' I protest then folded my arms. Everyone laughed, well except Willow. I sighed.

We all sat in McDonalds, everyone was looking at me, ''Lilac'' my dad started of, ''Dad.'' I continued, ''Why did you do that? You risked your life, you almost died'' he asked, I sighed, ''I did it to save supernaturals, I know I almost died, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make if it meant to save people like us, I know it was selfish but I would do it all over again'' I explained, ''Now, when do I go back to school. I'm sorry but I need to put my life back to normal again somehow'' I asked randomly, ''Well it's Saturday, so Monday?'' my mum suggested, I nodded. ''I'm sorry everyone. I know I'm making this all so confusing, but I want to forget this all'' I apologize, ''It's okay, we understand why you would want to, but you are awfully calm'' my mum said, ''I know, but I was okay so I'm okay now'' I explain, everyone nods and continues eating.

''So Willow, your 11th birthday is coming up soon'' mum said I looked up in shock, ''How long was I in a coma for?!'' I ask, ''Four months'' Blake chocked, I gasp, ''Willow's birthday is in a week'' Luca quickly explained I just nodded, I then looked at Willow she smiled sadly, I understand now, the reason why she only now just made this decision up was because she wanted me to be alive, and because we made a deal that on her 11th birthday we would then be able to make our deal official, we always made a deal that we would stick together forever no matter what, so we made a spell, but we couldn't use it until Willow turned 11 because only then is her powers fully ready, she wants me to promise to never leave her. But now how can I make this deal?

After we finished we arrived home, ''Blake you should probably go, I need to talk to Willow'' I ask Blake, I can tell he doesn't want to go but he forced himself to leave, I kissed him goodbye then went to find Willow which I did in her room. ''Willow..'' I whispered, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, I then quickly pulled her into a tight hug, ''I thought I lost you. Like forever'' she whimpered, ''I know, I'm sorry, I should never of left you like that, I promise never again'' I whisper. ''So what happens now?'' she asked, ''I don't know. I guess I will have to practice using your magic, and as it develops I could transfer some to you as I progress?'' I suggested, ''No, you can't you need all that magic, you are a powerful witch, you need as much as you can get'' she laughed, I just smiled.

''So, you want to know where I went?'' I asked while smiling, ''What do you mean?'' Willow questioned confused, ''When I was in a coma, I went somewhere.'' I smirked, ''Where?'' and with that I told her everything, from seeing grandma and granddad, the moon goddess, everything..

''Wow, I missed that much aye?'' she laughed, ''Sort of'' I laugh back. ''Lilac, you know, now that there are no more hunter's everything is okay, there is nothing for anyone to be afraid of anymore'' Willow informed, ''I know, yeah so?'' I said confused, ''No more hiding, we're all okay, everyone is fine. I want you to promise me something now, magic or no magic.'' Willow said. ''Okay what?'' I ask, ''Live your life, don't worry about me. When I'm old enough I will take care of myself, you don't need to protect me, you and Blake belong together, start a family, don't hold back, I found my mate, although he is a vampire, and will never grow older, I will find someone else and I will be happy. So just promise me that'' Willow said, I looked shocked, well obviously, I was about to disagree, ''Please'' Willow begged, ''Fine, but no matter what I will help you, not as much but your my sister, I'm never going to abandon you'' I smirk, ''I know'' Willow laughed. ''So now my dear sister Willow, it's time to get our lives back on track'' I said making us both laugh....

OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER, LIKE I HAVEN'T HAD MY LAPTOP IN AGES AND I TYPE FASTER AND BETTER ON THIS SO YEAH AND I ONLY JUST GOT IT BACK, I'M SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER IT SH*T BUT YEAH I HAD TO UPDATE FOR YALL! Okay, so now I have something to tell you all, I'm very sorry but this book is nearly over. I'm only doing a few more chapters then I am done with this book, so I'm sorry, but. BUT I might MIGHT make a sequel, I don't know for sure though, like I have ideas but I need to fully plan it out, as this book wasn't fully planned out hence why it's quite confusing and bad :/ But I hope yall liked this book still so please vote, and thankyou all for reading anyways :D


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