Chapter 1

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My name is Lilac Reagan, I am 16 years old, I have bright blonde curly long hair with with a really weird eye colour which is different depending on my mood, but as my mood doesn't change that often it is usually bright blue with a hint of brown , and I have a left dimple with a few freckles here and there. 

I know it is very weird but I don't mind. So basically I used to live in England, but I am moving to America, Florida to be exact.

 At my old school in England I was bullied a lot, and I mean physically as well as verbally. 

I don't know why they hatred me so much but I never dared to ask them why so I just let them do what they wanted because in the end I know they just hate theme selves more than me.

''Lilac! We are just about to land!'' My mother screeched clearly excited that we are in America, my mum's name is Ria and she has dark blonde hair that reaches to her elbows, and she has bright green eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled we are moving here, it's just well a bit too far from home but I'm dealing with it.

''Yay'' I say less enthusiastically which made my mum roll her eyes at me while she wakes up my two older brothers, the oldest was 18 years old, his name is Luca (Pronounced Loo-ca) and he has light brown hair with green eyes and a left dimple and he is quite tall.

Riley was 17 and he has dark blonde hair with bright green eyes along with two dimples on both cheeks and a little bit shorter than Luca, and Then there was my youngest sister Willow, she is 10 years old with long straight hair with dark green eyes and quite a few freckles and a right dimple.

Have you noticed we have a lot of dimples in our family for some reason, but I don't ever question it. 

''Okay Ria calm down don't get too excited'' My dad chuckled still half asleep, my dad is called Rick, and he has brown hair with brown eyes and also a few freckles.

''I know I'm sorry, it's just well we are in AMERICA!'' My mum screeched again causing us all to groan, ''Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!'' Riley groaned again covering his ears closing his eyes again but mum pinched him making him open his eyes, ''No fair mum! Not cool!'' he said with an annoyed tone.

Mum just rolled her eyes again and put her seat belt back on as we about to land, so with that we all copied her movements and done our seat belts up.

As we landed we got our luggage and went to find our taxi man we hired to get us, ''Reagan's family'' A man called out who I assume is our taxi man as he said our last name, ''Hi we are the Reagan family'' My dad said in a polite manner, ''We are going to Riverpark Lane number 3363'' My mum said as she read the paper of our address, ''Yes I know where that is, follow me'' the taxi man said as he lead us our of the airport.

We were in the taxi, halfway there so now I was just looking outside and around seeing all the people, ''Lilac?'' Willow whispered tapping my leg, ''Yes Willow?'' I ask smiling at her cuteness, ''Do you think things will change while we are here?'' she asks, ''What do you mean?'' I ask confused, ''Like do you think anything bad will happen again?'' Willow said with a clear feeling of worry, ''I don't know, but we can only hope'' I say trying to cheer her up with a smile which she gladly returned.

We finally arrived at our new house which is quite a modern type house, but it looks really nice, and it is also big!

''Welcome home!'' dad said smiling as he looked at the house, ''Thanks for the ride here is your money and keep the change'' my mum said to the taxi man giving him his money and then we all got out and got our luggage then entered our new house.

As I walked in I noticed there was already furniture which my dad must of brought online, so I decided to go find my room so I walked (More like ran) to my find a nice room but none of them was to my liking so I walked up the last flight of stairs till I was in the attic I think and the room was beautiful, there was a big window at the front and back of the house. 

The room was pretty big and it even had a walk in wardrobe and my own bathroom! It is a pretty bit attic, I walked a round a bit more and there was a cute little corner which I have decided will be where will make a comfy place to sit.

''Lilac! Riley! Luca! Willow!'' My mum shouted from downstairs, ''YEAH!'' we all called back from our rooms, ''Come down here please!'' she called back, so I walked down the stairs where I met my brothers and sister and then we went down the other stairs to the living room where our parents were, ''Yes?'' I spoke first.

''We will be decorating your rooms soon, so start thinking of what you want your room to look like, and then we will get school set up so when you have your ideas call me or your dad and we will get what you want'' My mum said smiling, I looked at them both and smiled back, ''YAY Okay!'' me and Willow both said in sync which made us look at each other and smile a creepy and disturbing smile, but we failed by laughing. 

After our laughing fit we ran to our rooms and I was thinking about how I want my room to be like. After a while of looking around I finally decided so I ran to my mum, ''I know what I want my room to look like!'' I say jumping up and down smiling.

''Already? Wow okay tell gurl!'' my mum said while acting like a teenager, ''Okay well I want my walls to be white and I will decorate it with pictures and art as I am a good artist, then I want a double sized bed, with white sheets and polka dot throw with small cute cushions, and then I want a big cushion seat thing I don't know what they are called, but I want one of those and more small different coloured and styled cushions, but I want a unique and antique styled stuff. And I want a light blue carpet with a small fluffy rug, and a fully sized antique mirror. Um a coat stand I don't mind what one just a pretty one, and uh a desk and a antique chest of draws'' I say looking at her expression which was actually glued to a piece of paper as she wrote down everything I said and I don't know how she did that. 

''Okay nice choices, so basically over all your want is a cute and girly but old fashioned room?'' my mum asked, ''Yeah basically as long as it is along those lines I'm all good'' I smile while I head to the kitchen for some water. As I walked in and got my drink I looked our into our back garden, it is beautiful and we had a built in pool, which is good because I love swimming.

''Okay I just ordered everything you need and they will be delivering it tomorrow so for now we sleep in sleeping bags, and once everyone stuff is done we will get you all started for school!'' My mum cheered as she smiled widely, I just smiled back and laughed a bit then walked to get my sleeping bag as we are going to bed soon because it is quite late.

Okay hope you like this so far, next chatper to be here soon :) xooxox-B

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