Chapter 5

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"Josh... I can't do this anymore. You've cheated countless times an I always forgive you, but this time i can't. I won't." I plead, sobbing.

"No, don't deny me Jessi. You'll do as I say. We are not breaking up!" He screams at me with intense anger in his eyes.

"Josh, listen to me! We are done! I'm not putting up with your shit any longer! I'm leaving now, and if you follow me I swear I will call the police."

Suddenly, he grabs my throat and backs me into the wall with extreme force.

"We are not fucking done, until I say we are. Got it princess? You're mine bitch." He spits in my face.

I take the oppertunity and knee him right in the balls, hard. He immediatly reaches for them, letting go of my throat. I begin to run away, but I trip on the edge of the couch. He runs up and kicks my side, and an immediate pain coarses through me. He then lifts me up and slaps me across the face. I scream and reach for my numb cheek. I take the lamp from the coffee table next to me and hit his head with all my might. He falls to the floor and I take the oppertunity to run and never look back.

I bolt up in bed, a layer of sweat covering my head and back. I'm not scared, I am used to these dreams: I get them every once in a while. I decide to stand up and go get a glass of water. Careful not to wake Vivi, I jog to the kitchen. When I enter, Vivi is already up, with two cups of tea on the counter and a book in hand.

"Viv, why are you awake? It's 3:00 a.m." I ask, my voice hoarse.

"You had a nightmare, so I made you tea."

I thank her and take a sip of the tea, feling immediate relief in my throat.

"Let's have a little chat, hun." Vivi says, smirking.


"So how was your date last night?!"

"It was nice."

"That's it? It was nice? C'mon give me the deets! Are you gonna go out again? Did he kiss you? What did you guys talk about?"

"Viv, I'll tell you all about it when I'm actually awake, ok?' I say, finishing up my last sip of tea.

"Fine. Goodnight."


Nialls POV

*11:00 a.m.*

All the lads decided to get together at Harry's house today and they all invited their girlfriends. Harry invited Kendall, Zayn brought his fiance Perrie, Louis brought Elounour, and Liam brought Sophia. Such lovely couples they all make. I'm the only one in the band without a girlfriend. I considered inviting Jess, but we've only been on one date so I decided not to. 

I had a great time last night with her, though. I learned a lot about her. While the other lads chat it up with their girlfriends and make out, I sit here alone. I'm used to being the only single guy of the group, but I am hoping that soon that will change. 

I dial Jessica's number, beginning to get bored. She picks up on the second ring.

"Hey Niall. What's up?"

"Do you want to go grab some lunch? I've got nothing to do."

"So you only called me because you have nothing to do?"

"Well... umm... I mean..."

"Im joking Niall. I'd loe to get some lunch."

He sighs. "Great. I'll pick you up in 30 mnutes, love."

"Sounds good."

I tell the lads that I am leaving and they all say their goodbyes. I find it quite funny how head over heels they are for their girlfriends.



Sorry it's short, I hadn't updated in a while so I just wanted to publish something. Don't forget to vote and comment!<3

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