Chapter seven

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Gaedor, Adiamantem Court - Reagan

Daeva and Eladrion had been at each other's throats all Gods damned morning...well Daeva had been winding Eladrion up and then sniggering when he snapped back at her, probably to distract her from who would be joining us very soon. In fact Daeva had fallen silent half a mile ago, just as the South East watch tower had come into view. We were closer now, close enough to see Alastor tying a saddle bag onto his horse.

His head turned slowly towards us and I knew he'd focused solely on one rider in our group. I knew that because Daeva had tensed head to foot and growled deep in her throat, the sound rippling through our group, making some of the horses tense at the threat.

I turned to Eladrion who was still scowling at the distance ahead.

"One drop, Eladrion." I warned him, he tensed and turned to watch Daeva then he'd laughed at her tensed form when she'd turned that snarl on him.

"Watch yourself, Elfenna, or I'll make it impossible for the damned incubus not to draw my blood." Her voice was as cold and sharp as ice, the warning in it even raised chills up my arms; she really wasn't a happy Witch right now.

Eladrion didn't bother to reply but he'd tensed when he saw who Alastor was focused on and squeezed his horse into a gallop to get to the front of the group. Daeva and I slowed our horses ever so slightly, hoping Alastor would join Eladrion at the front and leave us two...or Daeva, the hell alone.

Unfortunately Alastor headed straight to the back of the group, eyeing Daeva hungrily, he opened his mouth to speak but I jumped in before he could utter a word.

"Don't try pulling any of your shit here today, Alastor. I'm not in the mood to stop Daeva from slicing your throat open." I warned him and he put a hand over his heart.

"I don't know what you're talking about, my Queen." He purred smoothly.

I shot him a knowing look but he rolled his eyes and smirked. I levelled a glare at him and gave him the last warning I'd bother to give.

"I mean it."

Alastor shrugged and turned a bright, white smile on Daeva. She tensed and looked to him with a predator's stillness, a quiet snarl slipping out of her mouth though it didn't deter Alastor instead it made him smile wider.

"Daeva, looking as divine as always." He purred her name like it was the word of ecstasy.

This was not going to be an easy trip.

The Witched turned away from him and took a deep breath, her nostrils flaring as she scented the air, checking for any signs of his magic, when she found none she relaxed in her saddle and not bothering to look at him she rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off, Incubus."

Again Alastor just smiled and kept riding beside her.

"Why couldn't you have just Shadowed yourself to the meeting point?" Daeva questioned him, pinning him with a look cold enough to freeze over entire cities.

He shrugged and twitched an eyebrow up at her.

"I could have." He explained simply.

I sighed heavily then.

"Then why didn't you?" I asked, already getting fed up of the man.

He turned his bright smile on me then and I could feel Eladrion's attention snap towards us.

"And miss the opportunity to see you two beautiful women?" He drawled and flicked his gaze between us. "Why would I do that?"

I scoffed at him and flipped him the finger but I could feel Daeva, or more I could feel her gathering her magic around her, it caressed my skin as it brushed by me to reach the Witch as if she pulled her magic from the world around us.

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