Chapter twelve

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Auna, Cynnrihtan – Iliona

Colten lead the way into his Fathers private meeting room and held the door open for me, I followed him in with my back straight and head high as I took in the people in the room, King Jasper sat at a large wooden desk with his hands clasped together on top of the wood, Queen Claudine stood behind him to his left and Vyvian Courtland stood with her arms crossed towards the back of the room next to one of the windows, her face badly bruised and swollen, blood and crusty sand still caked to her brand new body armour. I tried not to smile or laugh at the state of the girl, biting my lip to keep any amusement off my face.

So the Troll had ratted on me, no surprise there but what exactly had she said to the King and Queen, just how much had she twisted this morning’s events to make her look like an innocent victim?

“King Jasper, Queen Claudine.” I said by way of greeting and dipped into a respectfully low curtsey.

The Queen frowned a little but King Jasper just nodded his head once in return. Colten stepped towards his parents with a scowl on his face and a quick glance towards Vyvian.

“Father, what is this about?” He asked with a thumb jabbed towards the guard that had accompanied us and the King’s messenger down here, King Jasper frowned and waved a dismissive hand towards the armed guard.

“An unnecessary precaution, you may leave now Malik,” He said to the guard who bowed his head then left the room, King Jasper turned back to his son then. “you too Colten.” Colten started to object but I touched his arm and nodded my head with a small smile.

“It’s fine, Colten, really.” He gave Vyvian a strange look then nodded his head and said he’d wait outside for me. Once Colten had left the room King Jasper sat up in his seat and leant across the desk to address me.

“I hear there was a bit of an…altercation, in the arena today?”

I flicked a glance to Vyvian who put her hand to her face in a show of pain and helplessness, I looked back at the King and dipped my chin.

“Yes, your Highness, I suppose you could call it that.” I said in my Courtly tone of voice, respectful and elegant.

“Now, I have heard Miss Courtland’s side of the story, she was disciplining a maid who purposefully spilled juice on her new armour so you attacked her, punched her in the face and threw her to the ground, so I hear.”

My mouth had dropped open at the absolute outright lie but the King had a small smile on his face as if he knew just how much of an exaggeration this must be.

“Is this true, Miss Hazelwood?” The King crooned with a glance over to Vyvian who now held herself a little different now I was in the room to defend myself from her twisted version of the story. I shook my head slightly and took a step forward.

“Absolutely not, your Highness.” I shot Vyvian a glance who glared back at me but I noticed the nervous glances she shot at the King and Queen.

“Then what in the world happened, Iliona?” The King asked and leant back in his chair, one hand stroking his black beard. I forced myself to remain calm and collected as I looked from the King to Vyvian then back to the King.

“One of my maids accidentally spilled water on Vyvian as she was leaving the pits, a very kind, quiet maid who apologised profusely for the accident but Vyvian wouldn’t hear any of it, instead she raised her hand to the woman, ready to beat her, I stopped her hand and said that if she was to raise her hand to anyone then it should only be when they are sparring in the ring. I did not attack her for it; stopped her from attacking the maid.”

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