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After Chiron mentioning that I need a weapon for Capture The Flag, Will took me to the weapons shed. My jaw drops in shock by how many weapons they actually have. Bows, swords, daggers, shields. Every type of weapon in the shed, but I only get one.

"Do I really only get one?" I ask Will, who was studying a silver bow.

He looks up, his sad blue eyes looking like the sky. "I mean these don't get used, so it's not like it would be a bad thing."

I smile suddenly taking an interest in the silver bow. Taking it from Will, I grab an arrow from the matching silver quiver beside where it sat. A target sits about two hundred yards away from the shed, I aim the bow and let go. Taking two more arrows I nock them at the same time, I do the same.

Will stares at me in wonder, "You have perfect aim!"

I shrug like it's no big deal. "I took a fencing and swordplay class at my old boarding school, archery was just a hobby I liked. I joined a club called Swordplay and Archery, I was the captain for two years until I moved."

"Too bad you aren't an Apollo kid, we could use a good fighter." Will sighs.

I scan the room more and notice a bronze ring and bracelet hanging from a nail in the wall. "I thought you said this was a weapons shed." I walk over and place them in my palm.

"It is." Will looks at my hand and his face instantly saddens. He could tell I wanted to know, by the look I give him. "Breanna Lyers, those were hers. A couple months ago she went on a quest with two others, she didn't come back."

I slide the ring on the middle finger of my right hand, it fits perfectly. When I touched it, the ring became a bronze sword with a leathered hilt. "Wow." Will had to step back otherwise he would of been skewered. Placing the bracelet around my left wrist I tap it, the bracelet forms around my wrist and up my forearm almost five inches and circles in front of me to become a shield.

"How do they feel?" Will asks studying me carefully.

I hold the sword straight out to test how heavy it is. "Perfect."

"Well then I think you found you're weapons for Capture The Flag tonight." Will smiles as I let my weapons turn back into jewelry and slide the bow on my back.

This is going to be fun.


Will wanted to make sure I was completely ready for Capture the Flag and talked Nico into giving me a quick lesson.

"I tried to tell Will I know how to fight with a sword." I tap the ring and get a good grip on the hilt.

"Ready?" Nico unsheathes his pitch black sword, I nod. We raise our sword, I breath in and let it go right before Nico springs into action.

I block every swing with my sword moving backwards. When he stops for a second I swing my sword in an 'x' formation, then start towards him. I can see Will out of the corner of my eyes smiling like an idiot.

"You know what you're doing, but will you be albe to keep up with us more experienced fighters." Nico then attacks again changing his speed and pace. I block every single time moving backwards until I can't move anymore. Giving a swift kick to his stomach I do a dive roll to get out of range.

Getting to my feet Nico swings his sword, I duck. Bringing the hilt of my sword to his chest, I knock him back. His sword comes back at me while my back is exposed, I block with my sword behind my back. Pushing his sword up and away I jab my elbow at his chest, Nico's balance faulters. I turn to further his unsteadiness and swing at him, he blocks. When I see an opening I slam the flat of my blade against the hilt on his sword, his grip fails and his sword drops to the ground. I press the point of my sword to his armored chest, a smile on my face.

"I guess I can keep up!" I chim. I pick up his sword handing it back to him hilt first.

"Nice job with using my lose of balance against me." Nico sheathes his sword before taking off the warn in practice chestplate.

"That was great Kaylee!" Will beams as he joins us. "You should be fine tonight."

I smile at them just as a guy with black hair walks past us with a sword in hand. His eyes stay locked with mine as he passes, the vivid green enough to materialize me. His black armor matching the black sword dangling at his hip. The look in his eyes giving me the impression he has had to fight to get where he is now.

I shake a shiver away and will my sword to shrink back into a ring. I watch him as he practices his fighting techniques, form and footing almost lethal.

"Stop staring." Nico mutters.

I look at Nico and Will, "Who is he?"

"His name is Michael." Nico answers, "He's been here since he was 6 after his mom risked her life to save him."

"He's a Hades demi-god, Nico's half-brother." Will adds.

"You're lucky if he doesn't acknowledge your presence and doesn't waste his time on you." Nico glances at Michael.

"That's a little rude." I point out.

Nico shakes his head. "He is a brutal fighter and is hard to get along with. Every person that gets in his way ends up in the infirmary."

"Oh." I find myself replying. I move my gaze but in his direction when he throws his sword at a training dumbie. The blade stabing the dumbie striaght through the heart.

"Ouch." Nico mutter watching as well. Michael pushes the dumbie to the ground placing his foot on its chest to pull out his sword.

He finally notices me staring, Nico was talking to Will and I wasn't paying attention. The corner of Michael's mouth curling into a smirk. Without taking his eyes off me he swings his sword and decapitates the dumbie.

I look away swallowing the sudden fear in my chest. From the distant I hear a bell, Will smiles at me.

"Dinner time!" He cheers.

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