The ground was rough and gray. It's a great day for exploring I thought. The sun was warming my face as I walked. Suddenly,it got darker and cooler. Up ahead I saw the mouth of a cave. I saw a little light coming from the cave. The cave had a low entrance that gradually grew taller. When I stood up I couldn't believe what I saw when I walked in the cave. I saw candles about six inches tall. There were sparkling jewels of every color peeking out of the walls. Did someone live here? If so,who?
As I walked I saw a shadow. I looked around, up, down, left, right. Can you guess what I saw? Nothing, nothing but candles and jewels and my own shadow. Later I felt something cool and rough. I wondered what it was. When I neared an intersection I saw it. He was big. His head almost touched the roof. He had big wings and a tail as blue as the ocean. His head and eyes were a fiery red. His body was as green as lush spring grass. He roared louder than a lion. When he roared,he blew out fire. The wall caught on fire. I was worried the fire would spread. But with his blue tail the creature sprayed water on the fire. To my surprise in a deep voice,almost like a growl he said"Sorry." I suddenly realized this was a talking dragon! I replied to the dragon"It's okay.Do you live here?" "Yes" replied the dragon. I'm the only dragon left in this entire world. All the rest were captured or killed." "That's so sad" I said. "Keep my presence a secret. Take this stone. It has powers hiding in it. Find them and use it to the good of the world. Now please go." That was the last thing the dragon said to me that day. The stone had a blinding light that I had to blink a few times to get used to the light. The stone had the colors of a shimmering rainbow with a blue glow around it. It felt smooth as I brushed my hand over the top. It felt like a hill over the top. That night I looked at the stone. I wondered why all the other dragons were killed. I kept wondering while doing my night routine. I asked the stone"Why were all the dragons killed?" I knew the stone wouldn't tell me anything. But it did tell me,it told me a lot. While I was sleeping the stone sent me a dream. In the dream I saw a bunch of greedy merchants. The merchants were capturing the dragons to sell with sharp nets. The most horrific event in the dream was that the sharp nets were Killing the dragons! Before I knew what I was doing,I started changing history. I was yelling at the merchants for using sharp nets and for trying to capture the dragons instead of making friends with them. Suddenly a blinding white light appeared and I was back in bed. I pulled open the curtains. This is what I saw:There were dragons flying,talking with people or other dragons. I looked at the stone. Oh no!the stone had broken into four pieces! I decided I would go back to the cave and see if the dragon could fix it. When I went to the cave there was a family of dragons. The one I talked to had completely unique colors and patterns. He saw me and walked over."Thank you for bringing my family back",he said. His voice was happier than it was yesterday." The stone is broken. What should I do with it",I asked him. "Keep one half and give me the other. You will have a special connection with the dragons,"he told me.
I thought about these last two days. I decided to write a story about these days. This is the story I wrote about the last two days.
Did you like it? Tell me what you think in the comments.
Picture: The closest I could find to the dragon. Imagine it with I red head and aqua tail.
Written for: school
When: 4th grade
Type: mythical (fiction)
My comments: The wording in this is terrible.
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A Colletion of Short Stories And Poetry
Short StoryJust some short stories that I wrote. I will include stories that I enter into contests as well.