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It was sunset, a beautiful one at that. It was the perfect time to take a walk to the river. She was walking by the river when she saw something very peculiar. Besides her, a boy, and a couple the bridge was empty. This was very peculiar itself. Many people loved to watch the sunset from the bridge, but today there wasn't very many people. This wasn't the most peculiar. The boy was holding his head. He was saying 'GET OUT, GET OUT'. He turned toward the couple, his eyes seemed to change. They had been a mix of black and blue, like storm then entirely black, like a moonless sky at midnight. He muttered something I couldn't hear. The couple heard it and ran. The had tears streaming down their faces.

George and I had come to the river with our nephew. He was a very troubled child. We thought he might like to view the sunset. After all, in this town it is said that our sunset is the most beautiful in the world. There was something otherworldly about it all. The way the colors mixed and flowed together, slowly receding into the midnight blue of early night, soon turning into a pitch black. It was majestic sight. We had brought our nephew to the bridge. All of a sudden his eyes changed from the natural dark blue to pitch black with streaks of his natural eye color.. He started shouting 'GET OUT, GET OUT' over and over. We were helpless. We didn't know what to do or what is happening. He turned to us. I thought he was back to normal and wanted to go home, but his eyes were completely black. He muttered in a low deadly voice "Go home or I will kill you and this child. He shall never live to see the daylight ever again. Do you want to suffer that fate with him as well? Or will you leave him to fate by himself?" I knew we had no choice. Our nephew would die either way. I wasn't ready to die just yet. Silent tears poured down my face. I grabbed George and pulled him back to our car.

I felt betrayed. Aunt Charlotte had taken Uncle George back. They hadn't wanted to die for me. I knew they wouldn't. I was easily susceptible to being possessed by unsettled spirits. Most people call them ghosts. I could also see them. This made me a troubled child to normal people. There were many unsettled spirits here, on this bridge. This spirit was one out for revenge. He was going to kill me and use my body. I felt him enter me. I would have put him through to the world of the dead if I had seen him, but i sadly hadn't. I had to push him out of my body soon, before he consumed me. I had to get a hold on reality fast. Then I saw her. An angel, literally. She still had her wings, so she must have recently fallen or she was my guardian. She was watching me intently. I still had a devil's soul within me so I couldn't call her. A look of realization crossed her face. She sat down on the center of the bridge and started meditating. Her power washed over me. Her power was so calming and happy. Using her power and my willpower I pushed at the soul in me. It left with a shriek. Once he exited he felt the angels full power. He screamed in pain, then his face became content. He dissolved, disappearing into the wind.

"You have been chosen to become an angel due to your powers and skills that you have displayed. Do you accept?"

The boy smiled at the thought. There was nothing here on Earth for him except helping unsettled souls go to the world of the dead.

"I accept," he said with a smile on his face.

He and the angel left in a bright flash, off to the heavens. 

Picture: based the story off of

Type: fantasy

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Sorry if this isn't very good. I didn't develop it much.


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