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Chas Overview Official Papers.

Name: Lacy

Birthday: August, 2000

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Chas: Red Fox (Vixen)


---Hearing: Sensitive and sharp
---Sight: Very bad but can see color and movement and shapes. Just not small detail or outlines without glasses. Cannot read without glasses at all.
---Teeth: Has fox type canine teeth.
---Ears: Has fox ears on top of the head and fully rotational. Black tips and bottom is like color of hair. (Orange-brown)
---Tail: long like a cat but very fluffy like a fox. Has normal coloring.
---Fur: (aka hair.) Red-orange-brown. Hair is in normal places and on tail.

Habits: claws own fingers when nervous and sticks to the sides of buildings and never in te open. Tries to stay clean all the time but tends to ignore hygiene.

Fears: Fire. Water. Men (there is acceptions) (has panic attacks and night terrors)

Passions: writing

Hobbies: drawing realistic cartoons and writing.

Prey friendly: yes.

Preference: 60% animal 40% human.

Eating habits: eats normal foods but doesn't eat red meat much but likes chicken and turkey. Usually eats fruits and veggies.

Medical conditions: Digestive is off. Has to eat slow and not too much. Has to have lots of rest 8-10 hours or she will shut down and pass out for an unknown amount of time. Asthma.

Traits: fearful but when she is needed she will push her fears aside and rush into action. Even if she could be killed. Mother like.

Potential jobs: Author or cartoon drawer.

Background: Mother and human father were murdered in 2001. Adopted in 2002.
Raped in 2015.
Lost baby in 2016.

Human decent: White (mix of French and English and some Irish and Scottish.)

Our Weird Love -By: Laria Rojo.Where stories live. Discover now