Chapter 2

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     By the time we reach home, it is almost dark. If Jupiter, Ocean, and Laser hadn't showed up Oakwood would be dead and I would be about a mile away from camp with the guards on my trail. The guards are most likely not coming after us anymore.
     Everyone stares at us with worry. But there is nothing to worry about besides Oakwood. Jupiter runs off spreading the word. In the crowd I can hear Champ calling my name. As he escapes the crowd, relief releases from his body. He runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Wow Champ. I didn't know that you were this scared for me about this mission." I tell him.
     He let's go and looks at me with confusion. "They didn't tell you?" He asks me.
     "Didn't tell me what?" I ask. I feel annoyed that no one told me something. Especially since I am the camp's first mate.
     Champ looks at the crowd then back at me. "The aliens that invaded Earth a thousand years ago have come to invade our new home planet."
     Anger strikes me like a whip. But excitement enter me too. Now I finally have a chance to tear apart those evil creatures. A thousand years ago our people used to live on a planet called Earth. They described it as blue and green and white. There was many different lands called countries and in those countries were states and in those states were cities. Our planet has cities, but no countries or states. Rosebella, our planet, is a complete different place.
     On Earth, people were sort of free. Here on Rosebella, no one is free. Not even the thieves. We each have been written a destiny by Destiny sun. And that destiny went onto paper. That paper has gone to Tower. Tower is our planets capital. It has everyone's records and stories. Our destinies are in there. On everyone's eighth birthday, you get to see your destiny paper. Not the thieves. We are out of Destiny sun's reach. Thieves all around our world have tried to break in and destroy them. We think its wrong that the sun controls how we live. On Earth, the sun only gave off heat and light. I think that is fair enough. But on Rosebella, we have two suns. One for heat and light. The other is named, Destiny. Destiny is the sun that writes our destinies. It's just wrong. We write our own destinies, not the sun.
     That is one problem that we have had all our lives. Now the aliens have come to take our planet too. Life just can't get any harder.
     Five of the camps guards come running in after a trader. A trader is a person that is not apart of the thieves. I run towards the trader. As I stand in front of him, he stops. A mask lays on his face to hide his identity. He looks at me for a moment. Then he tries to get past me. I push him back.
     "Want to fight little girl?" He asks. No one calls me little. Rage flares in my heart that makes me want to tear him to pieces.
     "Make your first move." I say with evil in my voice. No one else joins. I am first mate at camp and no one likes messing with me. Almost everyone fears me, but I wouldn't ever hurt them. But they know not to stop me once I start a fight. They all know I can take care of myself.
     The trader swings his arm. He tries to punch my face, but I bend backwards. My body is very flexible. That helps me in fights.
     The trader tries another blow, but I duck again. As he throws his arm out  to hit my chest I grab his wrist. I twist it and pick him up by his side. I try to throw him, but he is quite heavy. When he is on the ground, his foot comes out of no where to have me fall. I do a back hand spring to get away. The trader grabs my ankle in the middle of my trick and I fall. I gasp at the surprise. He drags me towards him while I squirm with threats. He picks me up and throws me to the ground. I make a cry of pain. My head hits last. The blow sends pain through out my body. Mostly my head.
     I stand back up with a wicked smile and throw a punch. I hit his face on the second try. I throw more hits. Then he pushes me away. I run towards him. The trader gets up and stands on a lunch table. I climb up it as well. He pushes me down really hard. The fall makes me feel like I am flying in a way. I hit my head again.  He's good, but I had been with worse. I stand back up. This man does a front flip. I'm stunned at all that he knows.
     Stares from the crowd look at me. Excitement and anger sits in my eyes while there is fear in theirs. I am their first mate of camp. I'm one of the strongest girls here. They know I can be beat, but rarely witness it. And here I am. A trader winning a fight to the first mate of the thieves. Agony and anger hit me. But there is also excitement. I love to have a good fight. I'm going to win. There is no losing for Star Aspen. I stand back up and throw a punch. My fist hits his face and he falls instantly to the ground. I smile evilly. I give him one kick in the side and step back.
       The trader is then dragged off by two guards. He is token to the healing tent. There Ocean will clean him up and then me and our camp's leader will meet with him.

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