Chapter 3

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     I stand there with Skeeter. The trader sits in front of us. I look down so that I don't have to look at his face. The guards took his mask off and I don't want to see what he looks like. Something tells me to look up, but I won't. He gave a fantastic fight. How did he learn as being a trader? I lean against a wall thats more in the shade. I don't think that the trader knows that I am the girl who won the fight with him, but honestly I don't care.
     "So trader.. What is your name?" Skeeter asks the man.
     "Dragon.. Dragon Louder." He says.
     "Do you like fighting Mr. Louder? Because you sure had a great fight with our first mate here at camp. She is the best you know?" Thanks for giving my identity away. I think to myself. I look up at the trader. He has long brown hair, blue eyes, and he looks quite tall although he is sitting down. But mostly everyone is taller than me. I am a very short person.
     "What is your business here, Dragon?" I ask him. I walk forward. I still stand in the shade so that Dragon can't see me very well. Neval, the guards' captain then enters the tent.
     "Hello ladies." He says to me and Skeeter. "And who do we have here?" He asks in a friendly way. Neval is a friendly guy. He wouldn't hurt anyone unless he really had to. But Neval would take on a fight at bonfire side any night. He loves to fight, but doesn't like hurting the people he cares for.
     "This is Dragon Louder. He is the trader that broke into camp earlier." Skeeter tells Neval.
     "Oh! So you're the one who picked a nasty fight with Ms. First Mate, huh?" He asks.
     Dragon stays silent. He only nods. I wish he would talk more. Hatred burns in my heart. There is something about Dragon that makes me want to tear him apart. But he seems friendly in a way. Well, not when we were fighting. Maybe we will hold him prisoner here at camp. More fights would be nice. When traders enter camp we cannot just let them go easily. Most work off their debt, but some we hold as prisoner and use them as threats to the loyal.
     The loyal are the ones who respect Destiny sun. They pray to her and honor the king of Rosebella. The king and queen live in a huge mansion close to Tower. They have a snotty little brat daughter who is about fourteen. She is just four years younger than me. They have an older son who is fit to be king in a few years. Now he may not get his chance with the aliens invading. Sucks for him then.
     Well the loyal are no fans of the thieves. We steal supplies from them so that we can live. We steal from everywhere. And it is quite a hobby too. But we invade in stores and science labs. Technology is just as important to us as food is. The thieves own walky-talkies, televisions, etcetera. No one knows that we have these items. That's good that they don't. We like being secret.
     I turn my head back to Dragon. His shaggy brown hair covers his eyes with his head down. "Is something wrong?" Skeeter asks.
     Dragon looks back up. His eyes find Skeeter and Neval. Then he looks at me. "I came here for a new life. When I was a kid I thought that the thieves were smart and brave. The boys in the home area of where I lived always had their games and fights. But they are different from the ones you have here in your camps. You guys live by your own rules and live like you were raised on Earth. I wanted that life so bad. So now I am here." He tells us.
     Something tells me that I should believe him, but I don't want to. There is no evidence. And still he is a trader. I can't trust him until he shows that he can.
     "So you go and run away from the camp's guards? Then you pick a fight with the first mate? You know first mate is your key to get into camp, right?" Neval says. I laugh a wicked laugh.
     Dragon turns his gaze to Neval. I let out a sigh realizing that I wasn't breathing. "I ran, because I thought they were going to kill me. I fought her, because she started it when she wouldn't let me get past. I didn't have a plan for when I came here. All I wanted was to get in." He tells us.
     "Well guess what? You did. You may have gotten into the camp, but you haven't joined the thieves." I tell him walking forward. I lean against the table now.
     Dragon sighs a heavy sigh. "Well let me tell you something, first mate. I will do whatever it takes to become a thief." I'm surprised. No one has ever done this before. There are no stories of the thousand years we have been on this planet that a trader came to a thief camp and begged to become a thief. When people started finding out about Destiny sun, some people rebelled. They ran into the forest where no one dares to enter. We were all born and raised to be a thief. If you decide to not like the thieves and our way of life, they have their minds erased with a weapon we stole from a science lab, and then they are sent off to live with the loyal. My other older brother, Darrel was like that. Now he lives with the loyal. I miss him every day. He left when I was nine. Champ, Darrel, and I were best friends. Darrel is twenty-three right now. Seven years he has been gone.
     My parents weren't like that. My dad used to be the camp leader. Him and the first mate went on a mission. They went to Tower. The guards caught them. They were killed. My mom went along with them. She came back wounded with two others who were also hurt. Right before she passed away, she tried to tell us something. It was about dad. Something like he isn't who we think he is. Then my mom died a few days later. So here I am now with only Champ.
     Neval looks at me. "What do you say first mate? And what about you, Skeeter?" He asks us.
     Skeeter smiles. "I say we do it. He is a a great fighter. He could be one of the best." Skeeter says.
     I look at her with my mouth wide open. I turn to face Dragon. "How did you learn to fight?" I ask him.
     "I was at another thief camp before this one. They taught me a few things. They told me to find your camp, because you guys are the leaders of all the thieves. They thought that I was good enough to join the thieves and your crew." He tells us. This could be the truth. He knows a lot. He seems trust worthy.
     I roll my eyes. "Fine.. you're in." I say.
     Dragon smiles big. "Thank you." He says. I feel like Dragon is going to be annoying. I wonder who is going to train him. That poor loser will regret taking the offer.
     I look at Neval with blaming eyes. He smiles teasingly and wickedly. I turn my glare to Skeeter. Dragon is released and token away by the guards. Dragon will be given a tent and a few supplies.
     "Hey Star. Is it alright if you train Dragon?" Skeeter says.
     Great. I am that loser. I do not want to train an outsider, but I can't say no to Skeeter. "Whatever." I say. Skeeter smiles. I really hate Dragon. He is annoying and stupid. This is such a big mistake.
     "I have a feeling about him. I think he is good for you." She tells me. My eyes widen.
     "Oh no! No way. Not Dragon. I'm sorry Skeeter, but there is no way that me and Dragon could ever fall in love. He is city born.. I am not going to care for someone who is city born." I tell her. "And anyway I have no time for dating."
     "Maybe. And what about Oakwood?" She says.
     "We aren't together. I don't have time to love someone." I say.
     "But you do love him." Neval says biting into an apple.
      I roll my eyes. "Star.. He is a thief now." Skeeter says.
      "He will be a thief when he proves it." I say with anger. I walk out the door. Rage troubles my heart. My anger issues won't get me any where with Skeeter. She has too many come backs. Skeeter understands that I have anger issues and I usually get my way, but she gets her way always.
     But I can't fall in love with Dragon. He is a city born, a trader, a loyal. Well.. he was one until I let him join the thieves. Why did I even let him join? That was so stupid! I mean, I should have let him prove himself to be worthy first. But he did in a way. He took a fight with me. He almost won a champ, but then I stood back up. He is good. What skills does that camp even have?

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