Hungary x France

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France X Hungary

Feliciano, a small Italian boy was taking a walk with his babysitter, Elizabeta, a Hungarian woman. She would often take these walks with him in order to not be inside the house all day. “Lizzie, can we get a snack before we get to the park?” Feliciano asks. He puts his hands behind his back and tilts his head to the side in a very cute manner “Can you get any cuter Feli?” She grabs his hand as they cross the street to the pastry shop. The bell chimes as the door opens and closes. They get in line, luckily there’s not that many people in the shop today. Both of them make small talk until it’s their turn to order. “I would like a chocolate muffin, and a…” “Apple Cinnamon muffin” “... an apple cinnamon one for him” Elizabeta grabs the bag after paying. “Come on Feli” Feliciano jumps up and down excitedly hoping to eat the muffin as soon as possible.

On their way out, the door is pulled from both sides. Elizabeta lets it go and in walks a blond man. Feliciano gasps. “BIG BROTHER FRANCIS!” he runs towards said man and hugs his legs. Francis picks him up. “What are you doing here mon petit cher?” Elizabeta stands by quietly observing them. ‘So this is the Francis that feliciano is always talking about’ her thoughts are interrupted when said child grabs her hand. “Who might you be cher?” Elizabeta straightens herself up “I am Elizabeta, nice to meet you..” “Francis, Francis Bonnefoy” “... Francis. I am Feliciano’s babysitter. We were just heading to the park, care to join us?” “I would love to”

Feliciano runs to the tallest slide, leaving the Hungarian woman and french man to find a bench. Elizabeta watches the Italian boy for a while until Francis speaks up. “How did such a beautiful young lady like you end up babysitting Feli?” Elizabeta faces the man and looks at his facial features more closely. Shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes, a bit of stubble here and there. She’s never seen such a handsome man. His hair looks so soft, she can just rea- she remembers that she had been asked a question. “Well, Roderich and I are close friends and he’s been busy these past few months so he asked me to care for Feli for the time being. I don’t mind, he’s such a sweet child” she smiles. “Indeed he is”

The next two hours are spent talking about the most random things. Feliciano is now feeling tired so he walks up to the both of them. “Ve~, I want to take a nap now. Big brother Francis, can you carry me?” “Of course i can, you don't mind Miss Elizabeta?” she shakes her head and the three begin their walk back to the house. Elizabeta unlocks the door and lets Francis in then closes the door behind them. Francis, already knowing his way around the house, puts Feliciano in his bed and tucks him in, then kisses his forehead. He walks back to the living room where Elizabeta is waiting for him. “I enjoyed spending time with you Miss Elizabeta, i’m afraid i have to head to work in a bit, but we should meet up again sometime” “Likewise, tomorrow if you’re not busy we can meet up at the pastry shop, same time?” “Oui, that’d be great” They both say their goodbyes.

It’s been a few weeks since Elizabeta and Francis have been knowing each other. Francis feels like it’s time to confess his feelings. Other times he would date to pass time. Of course, he would never hurt anyones feelings, they would both agree to it, but with Elizabeta, it was different. He feels the need to be with her all the time. To hold her hand when they go for walks, to hug her and hold her close to his heart, to hear her sweet voice when she’s happy. He doesn’t want to experience her angry side, she can be quite scary, but he wouldn’t mind as long as it’s not directed towards him. Clutching the bouquet of roses in his hand, he begins to question whether asking her right now would be the right choice. He’s so nervous, he’s never had to be nervous about these sort of things. “Non, i don't think i can..” he whispers. ‘Get yourself together frog’ he can just hear his friend’s voice making fun of him for not going through with this. He takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. A few seconds later Elizabeta opens the door smiling widely at him. “Come in Francis” he steps in and grabs Elizabeta’s hand. “Mon Cher, i’ve been wanting to tell you for a while now but you make me feel like the happiest man alive just by being in your presence. Your eyes are like two beautiful gems in the sunlight when you smile, oh and when you smile, the world stops spinning and i can’t breath. You are the true meaning of beauty” Elizabeta has a light pink hue dusting her cheeks, she can’t believe what he is doing, but she is happy. “So what i’m asking is, will you be my girlfriend Elizabeta?” she nods and wraps her arms around his neck “Yes, Francis. i will” He cups her cheeks and pulls her in for a sweet kiss. They pull apart when they feel something around their legs. They look down to see Feliciano hugging them.

“I'm so happy you are together now”

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