Chapter Seven

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"Bri you've been under the blower for an hour!!" I whined. "I just wanna make sure these nails are PERFECT. I don't even want a spect on them." she said. "YOU'RE DONE!" I exclaimed. "Fine!" she said taking her hands from under the blower. "Can you drive?" Bri asked. I nodded and took her keys from her purse. We drove around until 12 came around. I took out my phone and started texting Prince. "Eyes on the road! Eyes on the road!" Bri shouted. "We're not even moving! We're in a parking lot!" I shouted back. "And your point is?" I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back on my phone.

{Nerd4Lyfe}: U guys ready?

{PrinceMisfit}: Yeah

{Nerd4Lyfe}: Good. We're in the ice cream parlor parking lot.

{PrinceMisfit}: K. We'll be there in 5 💖.

Bri looked at my phone, her eyes growing big at the heart Prince sent me.

"Is that your boo or something?" she asked with a smile. "No" I said calmly. "Then why aren't you madly screaming. If you liked them you would be acting the way you are. If you didn't like them you would be throwing your phone. You wouldn't even have his number." She explained. I heaved a big sigh and turned towards her. "We're each other's secret keeper. And to be honest with you I don't want us to be that. I want us to be friends I mean on the outside I "hate" him, but on the inside we connect so well. But if you tell him I'll kill you got it." I explained. She nodded her head just before a familiar green Mustang pulled up beside us. The window rolled down and the four waved at us. We got out of the car and met them at the door. "Hey." he said with a smile. "Hey Prince." I said back. "Hello and welcome to Bobby's Ice Cream Parlor." the waitress greeted flashing a big smile to the four boys without noticing us two girls. She walked up to Princeton and stared into his eyes. He looked at me and I just shrugged. I only saw him as a friend and he expected me to be jealous. I'm not that easy. "Table for six." I said saving Prince after his face pleaded for me to do something. She narrowed her eyes at me and showed us to a booth. Roc sat on the inside with me beside him, and Princeton beside me on one side. And Prod on the inside with Bri beside him, and Ray beside her on the other. Ray and Bri looked at each other an smiled. "Hey I'm ...." "I know who you are. I'm a big fan. The name's Brianna, but you can call me Bri." Bri said cutting him off. The same waitress came back and stood close beside Prince. She was REALLY trying OD hard.

Princeton's POV

With the waitress really close to me I was really uncomfortable. I scooted closer to BJ to a point where she was practically on my lap which didn't make the waitress happy. "Can I get you anything." she asked smiling at me and batting her eyes. BJ was trying so hard to keep in a laugh. "I'll have vanilla bean with hot fudge." BJ said. "We'll have the same." I said and everyone agreed. The waitress walked away with our orders upset. That's when BJ started busted out laughing. "What's so funny." I asked laughing with her. "She was trying OD hard!" she replied in between laughs. "What are you jealous?" I asked. Her face went straight quick. "Did you really just ask that?" she asked. "What?!" "BJ doesn't get jealous, EVER." Bri answered. After that Bri started eyeing us. "What's your problem?" BJ asked. "It's just that you're sitting on his lap." she answered. "Oh don't be acting like you don't be sittin on my lap." BJ stated smiling. The waitress came back with our ice creams this time with a smile which quickly faded when she saw that BJ was still on my lap. She handed the bowls to us and walked away. "Um salty or naw?" Bri asked which made BJ laugh again. "I told you she was trying OD hard." BJ stated then Bri nodded in agreement. The parlor door opened and in walked a guy about BJ skin color just a little bit darker and he had his arm wrapped around a girl who could have been BJ sister if it wasn't for the facial features. When they saw our group they stopped and the guy turned his attention on BJ.

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