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Kihyun's POV

That was his second year as student in University. He known as humble senior and warmth person. His hair wasn't pink colored anymore, after graduated he had changed his hair color into black. As the time flied, slowly he had to forget someone who used to refer his hair with cotton candy. It always turned him moody whenever the figure crossed in his mind. Slightly made him a bit insecure and that was the most thing he hated about himself.
Time had flied and people had changed.

"Today we are going to welcome new freshmen. Ah... really wanna see them and greet them."
"Hoseok you're too excited about it. Its just welcoming ceremony nothing special."
"Dont be like that, if new students see your soulless like this they will cancel their registration and move to another campus. You have to cheer up Kihyun...and hey listen new students more girls in our university, isn't good ?"
Kihyun glanced at the lavender haired, disagree with his statement about new students.
"Hey they are finally arrived let's welcome them." Hyunwoo, Hoseok, Kihyun were three of korean students in their university.
As they saw bus arrived, they walked out from their class and went together with some committees to greet new students.
All committees had to welcome them joyfully and Kihyun knew this well.
All of them were doing their duties as committee and Kihyun's task was to bring new students around and introduce the University. He was getting ready to do it until he met him...

"Hey...it has been along time, how are you ?"
"...I'm fine, and you ?"
"You see me, im good I'm studying here, second year."
"I'm glad to know that you're doing well...kihyun hyung."

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