(Updated) Welcome!

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Hello my lovely writers! My name is Kiki, and welcome to my one shot ideas book! Here I shall make it easy for you - coming up with ideas for your one shots so you don't have to! All you have to do is plug in some characters and let the words flow! 

I have written many one shots in my short time here on this planet, and trust me, I know that coming up with ideas for characters is annoying and somewhat difficult. So please, take this little bit of extra help and hopefully your writer's block will be no more!

Feel free so request that I add certain things, or describe some characters to me and I'll come up with something to the best of my ability (even if I don't know the characters myself!)

I will be adding new one shot ideas directly after this chapter to show that I am not entirely illiterate anymore and can actually give you guys good content, because trust me, when I first started this book when I was like 15, I didn't know how to write at all. But now I kind of do, so without further adieu, please ease your mind with my one shot ideas!

And thank you for trusting me with your little short story babies, you lovely writers! I'd love to read your one shots if you use any of my ideas, so feel free to tag me or send them to me!


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