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Beppp! Beppp! Beppp!
I was woken up by the sound of my annoying alarm clock.

Gosh I really have to change it to a song or something.

Still laying on my bed lazy to get up then suddenly I thought of my friends in school and immediately got up from bed.
I when to get myself ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. Before I even took a step into the dining area I could already smell the scramble eggs and honey baked ham being whipped up by my Mom. "Morning, sweetie!" "Morning, Mom" and I sat down to quickly eat my breakfast. "So! How was your first day of school?" "It waz goot" "hey.! What did I tell you about eating with your mouth full?!" "Sorry Mom, ya it was good, I didn't expect to make 4 new friends on the first day of school." "That's great! Anyways You gotta go the driver is already outside" quickly grabbing my school bag I wore my shoes and headed out. "Bye Mom!" "Bye bye dear!". Once I reached the school gates and got off the car this tall guy came towards me. "Hey princess! Would you do me the Honours of walking you to class?" My mind was blank but before a could say anything a hand grabbed me and pulled me towards the lockers. I looked up and realised that it was Wang yuan. "Heyy...thanks for "saving" me just now" was a smile he said "haha, no problem you looked uncomfortable there so I decided to pull you away" then we just walked to class together since we were in the same class. Not Long after all the students were here the teacher came in and started her lesson.
After a long 2hrs of lessons it was
finally recess.
We all headed to the cafeteria and after ordering our food we sat down and started talking as usual. We talked about Teachers, homework and our families etc soon it was lesson time again.

Well time flies when you're having fun

~time skip~

Soon after it was our PE lesson.
I mean which school places their PE lesson at the last period
Anyways our teacher had a game for us to play and we had to team up in groups of 6. So of course the 5 of us wanted to be together. Unexpectedly most of the guys came to ask me to join their group. Obviously I didn't want to do I had to decline their offer and teamed up with junkai, qian xi, Wang yuan and Amanda. Since we needed to have 6 in one group we invited one of the guys who asked me to join us. Somehow he seems really happy and started blushing and smiling to himself. It seems kindda creepy if you know what I mean.

~time skip~

After PE class the school bell rang and all the students started heading out. We all had homework today so I suggested that they come over to my house for homework. They all agreed to my suggestion so Amanda had to call and ask for permission first so qian xi when outside with her. "Junkai, Wang yuan I need to get stuff from the locker first" "oh okay we'll follow" and junkai leaded the way to my locker. The unexpected thing was when I opened my locker a pile of notes fell out of my locker. I immediately turned to junkai and Wang yuan with a blanked out face and they looked at me was their eyes widened. We quickly picked up all the notes and stuffed them into my bag. I grabbed my stuff and we when out to look for qian xi and Amanda.
My driver was already there so we all got onto the car and headed to my house. Once we entered my house i could tell that Amanda was fascinated by my house. " wow, this is your house?!" "Yeaaaa..." that all I could reply. "So! Do you guys want to do it in the study room, living room or my room?" "We should to it in the study then" qian xi suggested and we all nodded in agreement. After showing them the study room.I quickly when to bath and change into something comfy.
What I wore⬇️

What I wore⬇️

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