A Room of Wonders

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A gentle hum of warmth engulfed the room. A silent plea of rest seemed to radiate everything, from the cat sleeping on the pile of books on the table, to the well-used, synthetic-fiber couch. Which, by now, had been draped by the lazy bodies belonging to five living entities. The bitter-sweet smell of blackberry cider escaped into the air in small wafts. Yellow-white rays of radiance danced and created shadows for the illuminated objects scattered around the living room... I wonder why all bright things have shadows. I wonder why things that look so sweet, could turn out so bitter. I wonder why people find it better to watch the world go by when they have the potential to not just dream big, but make things happen. I wonder why the silent pleas are heard, yet the ones said out loud only exist as whispers. I wonder why warm things seem to come alive while cold things stay still and go unnoticed.

I wonder why every good and beautiful person or thing is looked upon and looked after while everything and everyone cold and ugly is left behind and ignored.

Published 04/15/2017(US) 15/04/2017(NZ)

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