The First 'Date' (6)

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The sound of the bell echoed around me as I stepped into the shop, Karma still attached to my hand, I felt everyone's eyes follow us as we walked up to the counter. he gave my hand a gentle squeeze as a way of saying, It will be okay, don't worry.

"Hi! How can I hel- Y/N? What are you doing here?!" Sugino exclaimed in complete shock.

"I'm here on a," I choked out, the words felt sour coming out of my mouth, It didn't sound or feel natural.

"Oh...OH!!" He stuttered in shock as what I said finally settled in.

"Could I just get a vanilla milkshake," I quickly turned to Karma who was patiently waiting behind me, "What do you want?" I asked.

"Just get two straws," He winked.

"HE WINKED AT Y/N!!" Sugino yelled as he pointed a finger at Karma in accusation. Karma just laughed and walked away towards a table that I assume he was saving for us.

"Are you here against your will??" He quickly asked me... He's joking right??

"Uh, No?" I said, rather unsure of my answer.

"Okay, but if he pulls anything, scratch your nose twice," He said before sliding the drink across the bench.

"I'll be sure too! thanks, Sugino," I laughed handing him $10, I can't be bothered getting change. I walked over to the table, I place the drink on the table and slid onto the couch next to him.

"This is weird," He mumbled as he rubbed his hands together.

"Agreed. Shoot people are looking this way, act like you're having the time of your life!" I whisper yelled at him, he quickly put his arm around me and buried his head in my neck, I shivered as his hot breath tickled my neck "Karma...boundaries, you're crossing them," I sighed, as the new sensation coursed through my body.

"Right, my bad, I got too into my role," He laughed as he slowly pulled his head back, too slowly, his face dragging across my neck and cheek before he kissed the top of my head. "I'm a pretty good actor ay," He laughed at the redness that covered my face.

"I'll get you back for that," I laughed as I rubbed my neck, trying to remove the feeling that lingered on my skin, with no success.

"I'll look forward to it," I winked at me... I swear he winks so much, you would think he had some kind of eye twitch. That fact still didn't help the fact that my face managed to get even redder than before.

"I swear! I can't deal with you!" I yelled, crossing my arms and turned away from him, still smiling the whole time, I was trying to be mad, but he's the kind of person who's impossible to be mad at.

"~I know you lovee me," He cooed into my ear, I shivered but continued to ignore him, I'm not giving up that easy.

"Go away, you're just mean," I said to him. acting like a child, it was intentional of course, but I was acting like a child nonetheless.

"~Awe, Babe, Don't be so rude! I want our first date to be perfect," He whispered to me, once again.

"It's not a real date," I turned around to say to him, before turning back around so I didn't have to look at his stupidly attractive face.

"Turn around..." He ordered.

"I don't have to listen to you."

"Turn around," He ordered, more aggressive this time.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Last chance or I'll have to force you," He said, this time almost sadistically.


"That's it!" Before I could even process what was happening, I felt a strong pair of arms close around my waist, I was spun around and pinned on my back, my hands held above me.

Karma was hovering above me, one hand holding my hands the other resting on my stomach, he had a sadistic glint in his eye, I was staring up at him, confused as to what he was going to do. My question was answered as soon as it entered my head, his hand flew to my side.

I instantly burst out laughing as he tickled me... relentlessly.

"P...Please stop!! I... It's not ... F...Fair" I choked out during fits of laughter.

"Never! Beg for mercy!!" He laughed, enjoying the power he had over me.

"W... we're in public!! S...Stop!!" I tried to get out during my fits of laughter

"My stance doesn't change!! Beg for mercy!!" He laughed evilly... it's official, he's gone crazy with power.

"O...Okay!! You win... P...please... stop" I finally gave in to his will. This was torture.

"Thank you," He sighed, finally getting off of me and taking a sip from Our milkshake.

"I can't believe you did that," I groaned, fixing up my shirt and trying to calm myself down a little bit.

"Get use to it, we'll be spending a lot of time together," He smiled at me, I could tell there was a small amount of malice hidden behind that smile.

"Oh! I'm sooooo excited," I sarcastically groaned, he simply just smiled at me.

We spent the next few hours just talking and talking about everything favourite colours, favourite animals and even most embarrassing moments. Fun fact, Karma was once forced to cross-dress by his agent for a 'big audition' but it was just a prank.

We finished our milkshake, not really caring about the sharing a drink thing anymore, as our 'date' came to an end, we were laughing and giggling, people started leaving the shop as the sun started to set. We eventually decided it was time to leave, even though it was a fake date, we both really enjoyed it, it was more like we were hanging out as friends, not co-workers.

We walked out of the café, holding hands, we had to keep up the act, after all, the second we opened to door we were flooded with questions and camera flashes, the press was here.

"Y/N!! Y/N!! Why are you here with Mr Akabane!" A reported yelled at me.

"His name is karma, no need to be so professional," I giggled in response, I am an actor after all

"Are you two in a relationship?!" Another reporter yelled.

"I think that's best kept private," Karma responded. Dang, he knew what to saw and how to say it to rile up the press.

"Karma! You have to protect me!" I quickly yelled, jumping into his back.

"I SHALL SAVE YOU, MY PRINCESS!!" He yelled before speeding off into the distance, with every step he took I bounced, it hurt a little bit. Eventually, when we were out of sight, karma let me down, I slid off of his back, my feet finally touching the ground.

"Haha, that was great! You're really strong!" I laughed, considering I wasn't the lightest person ever, and he still managed to run pretty fast with me on his back.

"What can I say, I've got these," he said before flexing his muscles as a joke, I giggled and covered my mouth in the process.

"I had a lot of fun today, thanks," I said punching him on the shoulder.

"I did too, do you need a lift home?" He asked.

"Nah, were actually only a few blocks away, I can walk," I said, thanking him anyway for his kind offer and took off down the streets, the redhead still floating through my mind, he has that kind of effect.

Stuck with you // Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now