Non-Stop Knocking (11)

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I was awoken from my deep slumber by a series of knocking on my door, and by knocks, I mean aggressive bashes. I lifted my head up off my pillow, looking at the clock next to me.


Yeah, no. That's way too early. I flopped back onto my pillow, snuggling under the covers once again, for a glorious few seconds, I was surrounded by nothing but silence. That soon came crashing down around me and someone bashed on the door again, angrier than before.

I grabbed the nearest pillow I could find, covering my head in it in an attempt to block out the god-awful sound. The bashing seemed to never end, someone was determined to get in. I eventually gave into their will, rolling out of bed. I walked past my closet, I'll get changed later, whoever decided it was a good idea to wake me up can deal with me in my pyjamas.


"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming!" I grumbled as I walked down my hall, towards the door.

BANG B- I swung open the door mid knock, I was greeted by a very grumpy Irina... well, it's been fun world, this is where my life ends.

"Y/N I'VE BEEN KNOCKING FOR 25 MINUTES. YOUNG LADY!!! HOW DARE YOU! I KNOW YOU HEARD ME!!" I covered my ears on instinct as I tried to protect my ear drums.

"Good morning to you too," I yawned as I stretched and leant back, cracking my joints in the process. Irina huffed and rolled her eyes, unfolding her arms and straightening out her pure white leather jacket. "Now, as much as I love seeing you, I would prefer to go back to bed, so, what's up." I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

"I've managed to book you two an Interview about the movie, get dressed now," She snapped as she bombarded me with information.

"You two?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Hey Y/N! Nice PJs!" Karma poked his head around the corner of the door, so he was visible to me.

(Here's what you're wearing)

I quickly looked myself up and down

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I quickly looked myself up and down... ah right... gotta love opening the door in your pyjamas, I quickly shut the door and ran to my room, grabbing a robe and running back as I tied it around my waist. I swung the door back open, now wearing a robe over my pyjamas. "So, when and where is this so called interview,"

"3 pm and I've already told Karma, so he will be taking you," She said as she gestured to the redhead next to her, who shot me a smirk in response.

"Ah, well, you're welcome to come in. I've just got to get changed," I smiled as I opened my door up wider, now letting my unexpected guests into my home. "There's food in the kitchen, feel free to help yourself, if you need anything just give me a shout," I smiled once again as I walked into my room.

I walked up to my closet, searching for something suitable to wear, this was my first time going to a big interview, I've just been in small movies or just been a special guest on TV shows... nothing like this.

I stripped off my PJ top, throwing on my bed. I did the same with my shorts, shimmying out of them and chucking them into to now heap of clothes on my bed. I idly searched through my closet, shaking my head at various outfits as I threw them into the ever-growing pile of clothes.

"Hey Y/N I saw this in the fridge... Can I have it?" He asked, not really caring about privacy as he stepped into my room.

I sigh loudly and snap my head away from my closet, "Yeah, whatever," I shrugged, just wanting him out of my room as soon as humanly possible. He walked back out of my room, closing my door with a loud thud, leaving me alone once again.

I rolled my eyes at his antics and eventually settled on a simple pair of jeans and a graphic tee-shirt. It's not like they'll be hiring me for my fashion choices. Right? I stepped out of my room and walked out into my living room to see Karma snooping through my kitchen draws, seemingly searching for my secrets or something. 

"Can I help you?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest with a loud huff. 

Karma yelped and hit his head on the draw he was rummaging through. 

"Just so you know, there's nothing of interest in there. Unless you have an odd fascination with metal bowls," I snapped, rolling my eyes as he sheepishly stood up and closed the draw like nothing ever happened.

"Well, we should get going!" He mumbled, trying to change the subject.

"After you, ma'am," I teased, gesturing towards my front door. He poked his tongue out, but continued towards the door anyway. I followed him out to his car and jumped into the passenger side of the car. Karma swung himself into the drivers side, eerily silent. 

He turned the key, turning on the ignition with a loud sputter, before a rhythmic hum. He slowly pulled out of my driveway and onto the main road. I pressed my face to the glass, watching my house get smaller and smaller, I sighed, I wanted nothing more than to be home tucked away in my bed.

"It's going to be so hard not to fall asleep in this meeting," I quickly said out of the blue, trying to break the silence in the car.

"Agreed," Karma said, a small blush rising to his cheeks. His grip on the steering wheel only tightened as he tried to focus on anything other than the memory replaying in his head. I just wanted to start this day over again... to not open the door to Karma and Irina, sleep until noon and eat cereal for dinner... let's hope the Interview is worth it.

Stuck with you // Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now