Chapter Two

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       Today is May 19th, 2254. My sixteenth birthday. But I have no one to share it with. Darell is gone. They all are.

      The Great Spirit of the Polar Bear was angered by our hunting, so he decided to get rid of us. Mario, Tomas, Billy, Nathaniel, Jared, Mom, Dad,, everyone.  All dead.

       When the Great Spirit attacked, Darrell and I ran way. We tried to get away from the village. It worked for a little while, but there was a huge split in the ice that we needed to jump. I just barely made it. Then Darrell jumped. He hit the ice but couldn't find a foothold or handhold. Then, he slipped.

       "Rhianna! Rhianna help!" he cried.

       I dove to help him. He was a fine swimmer so that wasn't the problem. The problem was that the two pieces of ice were coming together! And fast. And he couldn't find any place to grip.

       "Grab my hand!" I shouted. "I'll pull you out!"

       He grabbed my hand and I pulled him out just in time. Now he was out of the water but quickly freezing. So I rapidly pulled off his wet clothes and put my dry ones on him. It was no use. His life force was leaving him too fast. My Darrell was laying in my arems, dying. And there was nothing i could do to save him.

       His final words to me were: "Rhianna, stay strong for me. If you can make it, I will stay with you forever and always in you heart. I love you."

       As I took in his words, I looked down at him. His sopping wet black hair and pale skin. His chocolate brown eyes closed, never to be opened again. And his heart beat made its last thump. He was gone now.

       I did the only thing I could think to do. I kissed him.

       His frozen lips felt somewhat comforting. It was disappointing that I had to kiss him at a point in life where he cannot kiss back, but it was still nice. I felt like I had just completed a life goal.

       When the Great Spirit had stopped it's rampage, I carried Darrell's body back to the village. Almost everyone was dead. There were a few badly injured ones who were trying to clean up the dead. I could tell their injuries were way top extreme to try to heal. None of them would make it.

       While I was helping to take care of the dead, the four remaining survivors collapsed. I checked them over and tried CPR and all that. No luck. I was now completely on my own.

       I did the traditional ceremony to say goodbye too everyone, then one by one i set the people in the ocean and watched them float off.

       It's hard, remembering the way the sea looked with all those dead bodies. One hundred and fifty people. It stil gives me nightmares.

       I saved my mom and dad, and Darrell for last.

      To my mom I said, "I love you, Mommy. Rest in peace." Then sent her adrift.

       Then to my dad i said, " I love you Daddy." Then sent him adrift.

       Finally, I kissed Darrell one last time. Then said, " I love you too, Darrell." I put him in the water and he was joining everyone else.

I stood up, and finally shouted the final words, "Rest In Peace!"

                                                *                 *               *

       That was seven months ago. I have been alone since. I have traveled miles and miles and have failed to find another occupied village or town. The Great Spirit must have gotten rid of everyone!

       Except me.

       I should probably give up. There's a strong feeling in my gut telling me that the Great Spirit did get rid of everyone. That would mean that I, Rhianna Annalise Jordon, am the last human in excistance.

       Wow, ain't that a thought. Being the last of your kind, and having no way of restoring it. ( There would have to be atleast one other boy here to save human kind.) But since there's not. All hope is lost.

       It's alot to take in!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2012 ⏰

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